This episode of Supergirl begins with a plane plummeting toward Earth with failed engines. We get…
TV Recaps
‘Stranger Things 2’ recap: ‘The Pollywog’
Dustin sneaks inside his house and making his shocking discovery. He places this unique looking…
'Legends of Tomorrow' recap: 'Phone Home'
On the newest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, the Legends travel back in time to…
'Flash' Elongated Journey Into Night: Recap
In this episode of The Flash, after suffering through another one of the mayor’s press…
'Star Trek: Discovery' recap: 'Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad'
On the newest episode of Star Trek: Discovery, Harry Mudd returns and makes the crew…
‘Stranger Things 2’ recap: ‘Trick or Treat, Freak’
The second episode of Stranger Things beings with a glimpse into how Eleven ended up…
'Riverdale' recap: 'Chapter Sixteen: The Watcher in the Woods'
On the latest episode of Riverdale, Archie forms a watch group, Betty worries about Kevin,…
'Legends of Tomorrow' recap: 'Zari'
On the newest episode of Legends of Tomorrow, the team tries to catch a time…
'Flash' Luck be a Lady: Recap
In this episode of Flash Barry approaches newly created metahuman Becky at Jitters, because he…
‘Stranger Things 2’ season premiere recap: ‘Chapter One: MADMAX’
Stranger Things is back! We don’t return right to Hawkins, Indiana as we first visit…