In case you needed any more evidence that Netflix’s Bright is not a good movie,…
Giuseppe Bonifati, break out actor in Ridley Scott's 'All the Money in the World'
Giuseppe Bonifati was thrilled when he landed a coveted role as attorney Iacovoni in Ridley…
A highly unusual production: 'All the Money in the World' review
All the reshoots in the world. Ridley Scott’s All the Money in the World has…
10 actors we want to see nominated for best lead performance at the Oscars this year
And also have a pretty good chance at being nominated We are officially right in the…
Netflix's 'Bright' left around 60 makeup artists out of the end credits
As if the movie wasn’t bad enough already… Netflix’s Bright, directed by David Ayer and…
Ridley Scott decision to replace Kevin Spacey in 'All the Money in the World' happened "in a heartbeat"
Ridley Scott’s newest film All the Money in the World, which originally began filming in…
‘Shadow Fighter’ movie strikes high and low [Review]
On March 1, First Edge Films and Cinematic Motion Pictures will release a new movie…
'Bright' is 'Training Day' with elves and orcs [MOVIE REVIEW]
Zootopia did it so much better. Bright is the newest Netflix original film to be released…
Hits all the right notes, better than it should: "Pitch Perfect 3" movie review
The 2012 comedy Pitch Perfect, a movie about a college acapella group, should never have…
‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ wins Christmas weekend box office
We are on the home stretch of 2017 and Star Wars: The Last Jedi continues…