Cloak & Dagger: On episode 9, Tandy steals hopes from others, while Tyrone must deal with the anger he feels over Billy’s murder.
Previously on Cloak & Dagger, Tyrone, O’Reilly, and Fuchs got Connors on tape confessing to Billy’s murder. Fuchs was later found murdered. Tyrone and Tandy spent time with Tandy’s mother Melissa honoring the memory of Nathan and Billy. When they both held onto Melissa’s hands, they saw that Nathan was an abusive husband.
“Back Breaker” begins with Auntie Chantelle doing some kind of ritual in the city. She spits alcohol in the air and makes symbols in chalk in certain areas. She stares at Roxxon equipement she sees behind a fence.
Father Delgado teaches students about what it means to be a hero. Evita listens as he talks about the trials a person must go through to truly be a hero. The image changes to Tandy burning a picture of her family and then doing drugs.

The police take pictures of Fuchs bloody fridge, while O’Reilly sits with tears in her eyes. They remove his body and O’Reilly follows. She notices some blood and bends down and finds the murder weapon. Another cop takes it away from her and makes her leave.
The Johnson’s go down to the station and Chief of Police Duchamp tells them about the confession O’Reilly got from Connors. Adina and Otis don’t believe the woman when she says that an investigation will take place. They’re polite and leave quickly. Tyrone is upset and questions why his parents aren’t talking about what just happened. They refuse to talk about it until later.
Evita’s worried when Auntie Chantelle finally gets home. Evita’s upset that she couldn’t reach her all day. Auntie Chantelle talks about Roxxon destroying the city. Evita is confused, but Auntie Chantelle says only the divine pairing can save New Orleans now. She asks Evita to ask Tyrone if he’s met the other divine person. She promises she will if Auntie Chantelle goes to sleep.
Meanwhile, Tandy spends time with a random guy. She tells him she can see hopes and then touches him and sees him with two women. She tells him she’s also learned to steal hopes. Tandy touches the women and they disappear from the vision. She touches the man and he looks pained when the vision ends.
After another class with Father Delgado, Evita tries to talk to Tandy, but he’s not responsive. A group of scenes show Tyrone and Adina angry and lashing out at others. Adina fights with a coworker about a Roxxon plan. Tyrone gets in a fight with someone he bumps into in the hallway.

Tandy goes to see Mina, who texted her an invite to brunch earlier. Mina tells her Ivan is there as well and she’s made food for them all. Ivan’s using a walker and needs to stay with Mina for a while. Tandy tries to appear supportive, but she’s having trouble dealing with her feelings about her father. Mina goes to make tea and Ivan tries to talk to Tandy about the past. He talks about how great Nathan was, and Tandy has to leave the room.
Mina approaches Tandy about taking a job at Roxxon. Tandy is surprised but listens until Mina mentions Tandy’s father. Tandy shakes Mina’s hand. Mina’s hopes involve a lush and beautiful world. Tandy reaches down and touches Mina in the vision. Back in the real world, Tandy leaves after making a snide remark. A bee lands on Mina’s counter, and she smashes it with a book.

Tyrone is sent to Father Delgado. Father Delgado talks to Tyrone about the war he’s been fighting since Billy died. He says although the war is done, Tyrone is still fighting a battle. He hints Tyrone might be the next death if he continues down this path. He leaves Tyrone balancing two books in his outstretched hands.
Back in Evita’s class, Father Delgado talks about how the hero cannot truly change into the person they were before. The scene changes to O’Reilly drinking a bottle of alcohol at a bar.
Tandy takes some of her money and goes to bail Liam out of jail. Liam is surprised and admits he thought Tandy didn’t care about him anymore. Tandy says it just took time to get enough money for his bail. She tells him she’s there for him and the two leave the station.

Tyrone continues to stand in Father Delgado’s office holding the books in outstretched arms. Father Delgado comes back in and warns Tyrone about the trouble he’s in, but Tyrone is angry. Tyrone accuses Father Delgado of hiding himself away. Father Delgado denies Tyrone’s accusations, saying the church is where he found his way. Tyrone drops the books and and argues with Father Delgado, actually hitting him to try and leave. Tyrone sees Father Delgado’s fears. In the vision, he sees a bloody soccer ball and a dead child. He sees Father Delgado behind the wheel of a wrecked car, drinking alcohol.
Tandy shows Liam the church where she lives. She talks about how she wanted to get married in it when she was younger. He’s surprised because she seems so hopeful. She tells him the worst dreams she has are the nice ones, because she wakes up in her terrible life. She takes his hands and says she wants to change that and wants them to try to make their lives better together. Tandy kisses Liam and sees his hopeful vision of them getting married in the church. In the vision, she slowly touches Liam and the church starts rumbling.
Tyrone sees a door in Father Delgado’s vision and goes through. He finds himself in Liam’s vision and asks Tandy what she’s doing. Both of the visions stop. Tyrone tells Father Delgado he’s sorry, but Delgado just tells him to leave.
In Father Delgado’s class, he talks about how the hero’s hardship can turn them into a villian. O’Reilly sees a club on the wall of the bar, just like the one that killed her boyfriend Fuchs. The rest of the cops talk about Fuchs, then a new voice joins the crowd. Connors appears and gives a toast. O’Reilly jumps him with the wooden club from the wall and he punches her multiple times. The cops surrounding them do nothing to stop the fight and stand by Connors when he orders a drink.
Evita tries to talk to Tyrone again and offers her help with his problem. Tyrone starts telling her what happened, but then Tandy shows up. Tandy gets in Tyrone’s space and demands he not enter her visions. Evita steps between them and lays her hand on Tandy, who in turn touches Evita. She sees Evita’s hopes of being a doctor and reaches to touch her, but Evita sees her in the vision and pushes her out. Back in the real world, Evita is shocked and realizes Tandy is part of the divine pairing. Evita leaves, then Tyrone and Tandy fight about their connection and their personal family dramas.
Father Delgado’s lesson on heroes continues as the scenes change to show Evita carving a statue of Tandy. Meanwhile Tandy looks at herself in a shop window, while Tyrone sees himself in a puddle. Both of them stare at their reflections for a minute.
Tandy goes back to the church and calls out for Liam. She finds the church trashed and Liam gone. She sees the statue she used to stash her money in lying in pieces on the ground.
Mina goes to fix an equipment malfunction and finds Dan and another worker already working. She yells out for them to be careful not to touch something, but the worker hits something and a small explosion occurs. Mina wonders if they’re okay, but then the men look at her strangely. They start running towards her and she screams and runs away.
O’Reilly goes to her car and hears the police scanner say they have the location of the person who killed Fuchs. She jumps in the car and drives away.
Tyrone gets home to find his mother waiting for him in the kitchen. Tyrone confronts Adina about never listening to him as a child about Billy’s murder. Adina says she was worried if Tyrone’s story was true, the cops would kill him as well. Tyrone argues that he should do something about the injustice. Adina cries as she says Tyrone must stop fighting this battle because she can’t lose him too. Seconds later, police come to the house and yell that Tyrone is under arrest for Fuchs murder. Adina tells him to run and he leaves by the back door.
Tandy goes to her mother’s place and talks about how she wants to talk about her father. Seconds later, Tandy ducks behind a wall as a woman drags her mother out of the other room and fires a gun. The woman says Scarborough sent her and tells her to come out within three seconds or she will kill Melissa. She gets down to one and Tandy’s hands glow.
This was another great episode of Cloak & Dagger. I really liked Father Delgado’s lesson on heroes that went on throughout the episode. I wonder how Evita was able to stop Tandy. I wasn’t surprised when the cops showed up at Tyrone’s door, but I wonder if O’Reilly recognized the address and was heading there to save Tyrone. Adina and Tyrone’s conversation was heart wrenching. I was so upset that Tandy took away Mina’s hope. Speaking of Mina, I hope she’s okay.
The season one finale of Cloak and Dagger airs tonight at 8pm on Freeform.
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