It’s another live eviction night as either Rockstar or Kaycee will be the second member of the Big Brother jury. It looks very evident that we could be in for yet another blindside for one side of the house.
#ButFirst: Day 55 right after the Veto Meeting. Level 6 thinks they should have the votes to keep Kaycee this week. The Hive is frustrated that this week hasn’t gone according to plan. Rockstar continues her crying/campaign tour to try and secure some votes. She goes to Sam to reassure her vote. She then talks with Kaycee alone and apologizes to her because Kaycee wasn’t the target? She throws Angela under the bus and drops hints to Kaycee that she is going home. Kaycee reports to Angela and they both laugh at the idea that Rockstar is feeling confident she will stay this week.
Tyler admits in the DR that he has several final 2 deals and is currently honoring all of them as long as he can. He reassures Sam that their final 2 deal is legit. We also get to see the first, awkward kiss between Haleigh and Faysal. We all knew it was coming. The Rockstar campaign tour continues as she thinks she has created a secret alliance with Brett called “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” I literally laughed out loud at this. Brett is playing The Hive so well as they think Brett is going to vote to keep Rockstar. We all know Brett has no intention of voting to keep Rockstar as long as the swing votes (JC/Sam) vote with Level 6…The Hive is about to lose another member.
We get to meet Tyler’s family from the midwest. Tyler’s mom reveals to us that Tyler is very smart and a great competitor. He was also an excellent bowler but gave that up his senior year of high school when his father passed away. It’s always nice to see family stories about the HG.
Just over here waiting for the Live Eviction like... #BB20 pic.twitter.com/s6vKo7zQQd
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 17, 2018
It’s time for the live vote and eviction. Who will be joining Bayleigh in the jury house? Kaycee’s speech throws shade at Haleigh/Rockstar about the girls' alliance and that they should keep her. Rockstar tries to out Angela, Tyler, and Kaycee as working together and that the house should try and take them out. #BBHacker (Kaycee) eliminates Faysal’s vote. No shock there. The first three votes are to send out Rockstar. Scottie is the only one to vote out Kaycee as Brett/Tyler vote to evict Rockstar. Rockstar is the next HG evicted by a 5-1 vote.
#BBTyler's hometown... ?❤️ #BB20 pic.twitter.com/kEfZ8OIhic
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 17, 2018
She seems a bit shocked as she walks out to talk with Julie. It was yet another blindside and she thinks Sam was the only one to vote to keep her this week. Awkward. She thinks that the trio (Angela/Kaycee/Tyler) were responsible for her going home. The good-bye messages were great. Angela and Brett completely roast her. The best part about Rockstar going to the jury house is that we don’t have to see her cry 4 times an episode anymore.
It’s time for the next HOH competition. Will The Hive keep the power or will Level 6 take the control back? This endurance competition is called “Glow & Flow.” This is the slip n slide endurance competition where they must go back-and-forth and fill up their glow stick with rave fuel. It will be a party tonight at Club BB. They do have a smaller glow stick that they could fill up and win $5,000. I’m enjoying the rave music.
When you remember tonight's HOH Comp is an endurance one... ?? #BB20 pic.twitter.com/5g6E4yRMeI
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 17, 2018
We are down to the final nine houseguests. I’m really hoping someone from Level 6 can win this crucial HOH competition and keep eliminating members of The Hive.
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