Day 66 in the BB house. It’s right after nominations and Angela is wanting to break up the power couple. Faysal is the victim of yet another blindside. He knows that he and Haleigh have to fight for the veto. Sam is upset that her boy Faysal is nominated. Level 6 is happy with the move they have made and are looking to send Faysal to the jury house this week.
Oh, #BBAngela… #BB20 pic.twitter.com/5CnhmJGac0
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 30, 2018
Faysal is realizing he and his alliance have made some mistakes the past couple weeks. He does a hilarious recap with Haleigh about how the last three weeks, they have been in power and yet they have lost only alliance members. The Hive has been a pretty disappointing alliance this season. JC continues to play in the middle and doesn’t want Sam to play in the veto because he is unsure about what she would do if she won.
This #BB20 recap brought to you by #BBFaysal. pic.twitter.com/cYqBr71fdd
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 30, 2018
It’s time to pick players for the Veto Competition. HOH Angela, Nominees Haleigh and Faysal will be playing along with Kaycee, JC and Sam. Haleigh has a quick chat with Angela. Angela lets her know that they are targeting Faysal and that if the two of them sit next to each other, she will be safe. Haleigh knows she is only 100% safe with the veto around her neck. Faysal also chats with JC and tells him that he should keep him safe. He warns JC that he will be one of the next people that will become a target.
It’s time for the Veto Competition. An interesting competition called “Mission to Planet Veto.” The HG have three rounds to catch veto points and collect the most points. Haleigh is the first one up and she struggles through the first round. Trying to catch the veto balls through slime being shot at you looks tougher than usual. The second round looks easy as they catch the balls through the rain and the final rounds sees them catching squids with their mouths. Haleigh has a solid round. Kaycee is up next and she also does pretty well. The opening round continues to mess with everyone. I can confidently say that Sam and JC will not be winning this.
#BBKaycee's got reflexes, baby! #BB20 pic.twitter.com/UW91Zep6iL
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 30, 2018
Angela and Faysal are the final two HG to play. They both have solid rounds and you know that Level 6 is hoping that they hold all the power this week. Haleigh is the first one to break double-digit points. Angela knocks her out with 16 points. Faysal has an excellent performance with 32. It’s down to him or Kaycee for the veto. Kaycee gets 33 and beats Faysal by one point for the Power of Veto. This pretty much decides that the nominations are staying the same.
It seems that the pressure of being on the block is getting to the showmance. Faysal knows their days are numbered and wants to spend all of his time with Haleigh. She is deciding to socialize with the rest of the house instead. This upsets him and it leads to some fighting between the showmance. He seems to want to do his own thing and not be around her. Brett comes to the rescue and tells Haleigh he will hang with her if Faysal leaves the house. Haleigh has to look out for herself in this game.
Awww, shucks. #BB20 ? pic.twitter.com/YbnN0xHCMv
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 30, 2018
It’s time for the Veto Meeting. It seems pretty obvious that Kaycee will keep nominations the same. She does as expected and leaves Faysal and Haleigh on the block. Faysal feels like his game could be ending. Haleigh is crushed to know that one of them is leaving and Tyler is pretty relieved that he didn’t have to use his Power App. We are set for a game changer tomorrow night when someone from The Hive will be returning due to the BattleBack Twist.
Who will be evicted from the house…Haleigh or Faysal?
Find out Thursday night at 9 p.m. only on CBS!
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