Comic-Con is here, friends. In the coming days, our feeds are about to be bombarded with super exciting trailers and announcements straight out of the halls of San Diego. Of course, it’d probably be even more exciting if I was actually in Hall H, listening to the panels in person, but I can live with this for now.
Some of the Comic-Con trailers have already found their way online, and there are also some really cool movies opening this weekend, so let’s get started with this week’s Trailers by Brandon.
Opening this week:
The Equalizer 2
While I haven’t gone back to revisit the first Equalizer since I saw it in theaters in 2014, it was perfectly enjoyable — albeit by the numbers — revenge flick with Denzel Washington. I haven’t seen it yet (hopefully going to this afternoon), but, judging by the trailers, I have no reason to think that The Equalizer 2 won’t be more of the same.
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
I’ve never seen the first Mamma Mia! and I have no plans to see Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, but I certainly can’t judge this property — there are a lot of fans out there and I’m guessing it’s going to make a killing at the box office.
Unfriended: Dark Web
I also haven’t seen the first Unfriended (man, it feels like I’m slacking this week) — which I’ve heard mixed things about. I’m not hearing as mixed things about Unfriended: Dark Web though, as no one really seems to like this movie. I don’t know, I still think it’s kind of a cool concept, but I guess I don’t have a ton of faith in this movie anymore.
I was initially mixed at first, but the more I hear and see the trailer for Blindspotting, the more excited I am to see this movie. This doesn’t just look like another heavy-handed message film that’s trying to be relevant — it looks like there’s some real weight here, and I’m excited to see more.
New trailers:
Overlord (Oct. 26, 2018)
I had a feeling this wasn’t just another WWII-drama when I heard the introduction “Hell’s Bells” playing at the beginning. I wasn’t disappointed. An insane, World War Z, like zombie-flick with a Behind Enemy Line’s twist to it? Sign me up. Sign me up now.
Bohemian Rhapsody (Nov. 2, 2018)
Before this trailer, Bohemian Rhapsody was the second movie I was most excited to see for the remainder of 2018. After this trailer, it might be number one. Even with all the director drama, everything here looks near perfect — it looks like they aren’t going to shy away from the more controversial parts of Freddie Mercury’s life either, which is great.
Hell Fest (Sept. 28, 2018)
This is one of those movies where, the minute the trailer ends, you think ‘How has nobody thought of this idea yet?’ I don’t have an answer to that question, but I can say that it’s a brilliant concept that should make for a really fun horror movie.
Boy Erased (Nov. 2, 2018)
In 2015, Joel Edgerton made his directorial debut with The Gift — a movie I had no excitement for whatsoever but then actually really enjoyed. Now, he’s returning to the director’s chair with something that looks completely different. The only difference is that, this time, I’m actually excited. It’s a great cast, a tough premise and bound to be heartbreaking by the end, but I can’t wait to see what Edgerton does with Boy Erased.
On the Basis of Sex (Dec. 25, 2018)
Slightly confusing just because there’s a documentary called RGB currently in theaters about the exact same subject, but On the Basis of Sex looks like it could be an important biopic about an important figure of history — if it doesn’t play into the melodrama and turn into something like Marshall, that is (which was still an okay movie, it just could have been better).
A Simple Favor (Sept. 14, 2018)
Paul Feig is back, hoping to clear up whatever controversy he caused with 2016’s Ghostbusters in a movie that looks completely different from anything he’s ever made. I like the weirdness of it all and the cast that’s involved, I’m just not sure if I’m totally sold on the story itself yet.
Patient Zero (Aug. 14, 2018)
I guess zombies are making another comeback? Maybe they never went away in the first place. I dropped out of watching The Walking Dead a long time ago, but that show is still running so I guess there’s still an appetite (heh) for this genre. Either way, I’ll take Overlord over Patient Zero any day of the week — this doesn’t look terrible, but it looks pretty cliché and unoriginal.
Elizabeth Harvest (Aug. 10, 2018)
I watched this trailer a couple days and, for the life of me, I’m struggling to remember what Elizabeth Harvest was about. To be fair, it has Ciarán Hinds and that’s always a good thing — I started watching The Terror on Tuesday and I’m almost done with it already because I can’t get enough of this show — but the movie itself just looks pretty blah.
I Still See You (Sept. 27, 2018)
This is easily the worst trailer released this week. A direct knock-off of The Leftovers with some dumb mystery element involved with the whole thing — can I get in line now to not see this one?
Déjá Vu (2006)
Denzel Washington has made a lot of action movies — some of them not so good, like Out of Time, and some of them pretty spectacular, like Inside Man or Man on Fire (I’m actually the one guy who really likes his Taking of Pelham 123 remake too). Déjá Vu, released in 2006 from director Tony Scott, might be one of his more underrated films to date. A weird, sci-fi mystery set in New Orleans, there are some pretty great and unexpected twists in this one that make it a ton of fun to watch.
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