Preacher still has the best montages.
While season two of Preacher wasn’t great, it’s pretty hard to deny that some of the montages in there were pretty spectacular. So far, we can safely same for season three — there’s no telling how all 13 episodes will turn out, but the filmmaking in here is spot-on.
We see this on display in the second episode of Preacher season three, entitled “Sonsabitches.”
A scene early on involving Herr Starr (Pip Torrens), who is finally allowed to be a badass again instead of just being a cheap joke.
He’s in India, visiting a high up priest, apparently in some sort of evangelical mission. Of course, we all know that Starr isn’t really there for anything evangelical or Christian-like, and it doesn’t take long for the whole thing to break out into one big bloody gunfight with some really cool stunts.

That's when he gets a call from his two agents on the ground, Lara Featherstone (Julie Ann Emery) and F.J. Hoover (Malcolm Barrett) — Jesse has reconsidered Starr’s offer and wants to be the new Messiah.
We know that isn’t actually the case though. The only way, he figures, that he’ll be about to get out of his life debt to Gran’ma is with the Genesis — which, if you recall, is now in Starr’s hands as Jesse’s soul was removed in the previous season to escape from the Saint of Killers.
That tells us one important thing: Jesse will do anything to escape from Gran’ma.
A flashback to a younger version of Jesse, back when he was still living in Angelville, re-enforces this. Jesse’s job used to find people who wanted Gran’ma’s service and, if they didn’t pay, he and Jody would be the ones who hunt them down.

Jesse wasn’t ever all that sure what Gran’ma did with the people who didn’t pay, but he knew it wasn’t a pretty day. He confirms this one day by getting a sneak peek of Gran’ma tying one of her victims up to some kind of old-fashioned machine, in which the creaking noises it makes are only drowned out by the man’s screaming.
Guess it makes sense why Jesse’s first move to escape would be to con Starr, even though we also know it probably won’t go all too well.
That’s partially because this elaborate plan of Jesse’s is removing him further and further from Cassidy and Tulip. Tulip was the one who found Featherstone and Hoover lurking around in the bushes and, given that they were the ones who killed her, she was eager to bury them in the swamp.
She was pretty dismayed when she found out that Jesse was the one who let them go and Cassidy, well, Cassidy is still pissed off about everything.

Lucky for him, he’s made a new friend in Angelville named TC (Colin Cunningham) — a friend who’s more than willing to share whatever drugs he has on him, so Cass is still doing just fine.
Jesse’s still ready to make his move though. And when Jody, TC, Tulip and Cassidy all get involved in some turf-war with the guys from the motel in the previous episode, he figures now is the perfect time.
In walks Herr Starr. The two get to talking, as Jesse agrees to whatever terms are laid before him. Starr gives him his soul back, which promptly makes Jesse smile. He thinks his planned work.

It didn’t, of course. Starr saw this coming from a mile away, so when Jesse tries to use the Genesis to make Starr “eat his d*** off,” nothing happens.
Jesse’s real soul is waiting in the car outside, surrounded by a handful of people working under Starr. The only way Jesse is going to get it is he agrees to come with them and actually take the position of the Messiah.
After some consideration, Jesse decides it’s still worth it and begins following him to the car.
That’s when Tulip comes in, guns a’blazing. She’s still got some resentment towards her former killers and is looking for some revenge. She shoots all the extra bodyguards down, before turning towards Starr.

Now it’s Jesse’s turn to get in the way. “Stop, don’t shoot!” he yells. “I need to get my soul back first!”
That’s enough to both stop Tulip and to tip Starr off. Jesse, still, is trying to con him in getting his soul back. Looks like negotiations are going to have to wait for another day.
He did venture far enough out when walking to the car that Gran’ma noticed, though. She, too, decides to send Jesse a message by strangling him with a homemade voodoo doll.

Message received. Still soulless and living by the mercy of Gran’ma he returns to the house and agrees to do her bidding. He’s then sent down to the basement to begin mopping what is apparently called “The tombs,” only to find the guy that he and Jody chased down in the flashback — one eye sewn shut but still alive, begging for help.
So, it looks like Jesse is stuck between two different kinds of evil, with Gran’ma becoming worse and worse (yet, more and more interesting) in every episode. I’ve got to hand it to Preacher though; they have my full-attention so far. Let’s just hope they can continue that.
Tune in to AMC tonight to check out the next episode of Preacher.
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