Tyler outs Sam, good gameplay or stupid move in Big Brother 20?
Big Brother 20 ramped up fast and we just had our first live eviction. We've had a possible showmance or two begin, a little sexual harassment, some alliances form, a cute robot and a narcissist or two emerge and we now have proof that there is a moron in our midst.
Tyler Crispen, the 23-year-old lifeguard originally from Ohio, but now living and working in Hilton Head, South Carolina outed Sam as having an advantage in the form of a bonus life, without speaking to her about it first.

Now, if his goal is to hurt Sam, that would be different, but it seems like he may want her loyalty a little later down the line and his people all seemed bent on getting rid of Steve.
Tyler was the first HOH in this season of Big Brother, which he served for 13 days. And what did he do after putting people on the block? He cried (and he admitted it was fake crying) like a toddler to gain favor with the house.
He needed to put on his big girl panties and man up. To be fair, he hasn't made any enemies yet and weighed his options, but his strategy seems to have a few holes.
Tyler joined an alliance with Winston, Rachel, Brett, Angela and Kaycee that they call Level Six, but he tried to play the other side of the house. The other alliance involves almost everyone else and is called FOUTEE. That may be the best or worst name in BB history.
Julie Chen told Entertainment Tonight that she approved of Tyler's gameplay.
Steve Arienta, a former undercover cop from Wanaque, New Jersey said he was a mechanic, but he always had a stare that may have outed him.
Something cute about this episode was Sam the Robot. She even put on a bikini and gave JC a lift.
Faysal and Haleigh are also moving into a potential romance, but they are concerned about their gameplay. Kaitlyn, the slightly obnoxious life coach who knows nothing about life, is adamantly against the showmance and seriously, uh, blocked them in a very sexy moment. She said she felt bad because the house is breaking up into many pairs.
Enter Tyler to comfort her and try to bring her into their side. That was not a dumb move on his part at all.
So, Steve and Sam had a chance to save themselves. Steve was honorable and said nice things about his family, teammates and Sam. She sent love to her family and the robot too. The positive energy of these two makes you wonder what show we are watching? Is this still Big Brother? They were both too kind, pleasant and filled with humility.
So, the vote ended up with Steve leaving with seven votes to evict him. His exit interview was a real class act.
And Tyler got the result he wanted, so maybe he isn't a moron? The jury is still out though...
Then came HOH...
The rest of the Houseguests had to do a challenge called "Land a Job." They had to launch a ball into the building that has the highest salary. Tyler had to sit this one out, but JC, Brett, Winston, Scotty, Kaycee, Faysal, Sam, Angela, Bayleigh, Swaggy C, Rock Star, Haleigh and Rachel were eliminated.
That means Kaitlyn is the new HOH.
And with a little sadness, we have to bid farewell to Sam the Robot, at least for now.
Big Brother 20 returns on Sunday on CBS.
‘Big Brother 20’ recap: ‘Who was the first houseguest evicted from the house?’
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