Big Brother 20, and the plot thickens.
Day 37 in the Big Brother house and Kaitlyn has just left the house. Rockstar is ecstatic to still be in the game and the majority of the house seems to be ok that Kaitlyn is gone. There is some paranoia in the house since it was a 9-1 vote. JC was the sole vote to evict Rockstar. He did it on purpose to create some chaos through the house. Tyler addresses the house and tells everyone he was not the one vote to keep Kaitlyn. (The house thinks they were really close but actually Tyler was just using her for his game).
Level 6 suspects that Scottie could be the one that voted to evict Rockstar. It’s ironic to me that JC is standing by them the entire time. Bayleigh also has suspicion that it was Scottie. Scottie could become a target sooner rather than later. It’s time for the new HOH competition. Which side of the house will have the power? This competition is called “Perfect Timing.” The HG have to ride their email glider from the outbox to the inbox in 8 seconds or as close as they can get to 8 seconds. It reminds me of curling as it will require the right technique and skill.
Who is going to slide into the HOH role this week? #BBBayleigh's up first! #BB20 pic.twitter.com/Iic94PbyAr
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) July 30, 2018
Bayleigh is up first and she almost scores a perfect time at 8.08 seconds. That is going to be tough to beat. Hayleigh comes pretty close at 8.50 but Tyler, Brett, JC and Rockstar aren’t even close. Angela wants to lay low and has a decent score. Kaycee also comes close but Bayleigh is still in first. Scottie is nowhere close and Faysal completely throws it. It’s down to Rachel or Bayleigh for HOH. Level 6 isn’t regaining the power as Bayleigh is the new HOH.
Level 6 knows they could be in trouble this week. The other side of the house is very happy about Bayleigh’s HOH win. Tyler does a good job talking with Bayleigh and convincing her that he is “alone” in the game. It doesn’t seem that she will be targeting him. Bayleigh tells Hayleigh that she is afraid of Brett and JC and that Scottie is very shady. She knows she is putting up Brett but is unsure about who will be sitting next to him. She is torn on what to do and even has a talk with Shady Scottie and basically intimidates him into working with her.
We all know that JC and Faysal are very close. The friendship is very close but Bayleigh is unsure of him and tells JC this. She tells him that she might use him as a pawn. This does upset JC and of course he tells his buddy Faysal about this conversation. Faysal goes to Bayleigh and suggests that maybe putting up JC isn’t the best idea because he could be loyal to their side. Bayleigh doesn’t seem ok with this and her gut is leaning towards nominating JC. She is still very unsure about what to do.
This is EVERYTHING. #BB20 pic.twitter.com/7sYmwdNcAz
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) July 30, 2018
Bayleigh does let this stir for a bit and then with Hayleigh, calls Faysal in for a conversation then decides to “turn off her filter” and tell him straight that she didn’t appreciate him not supporting her game move. They both come at him and he defends himself by saying he just thinks JC could be a number for them. They don’t like that he doubts the plan and tell him to get on board with their plan. Whew. Faysal is taking quite the verbal abuse. Bayleigh also tells Rachel that Scottie has been throwing her name under the bus and that she will be nominating Brett. She also tells Rachel that she is considering using her as pawn AND that she has the third power app. Bayleigh is having a busy first day as HOH.
WOW. She went THERE. #BBBayleigh #BB20 pic.twitter.com/5kIM6O45ar
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) July 30, 2018
It’s time for the Nomination Ceremony. We all expect Brett to be nominated but who will be sitting next to him? Bayleigh decides to nominate Rachel next to Brett. She basically tells Brett he is the target and Rachel is the pawn. Rachel and Brett are both determined to win the veto. Faysal is shocked he was able to keep JC off the block and Bayleigh still knows so much can change with the veto competition lingering.
Who will win the Power of Veto? Will it be used to save Brett or Rachel from eviction?
Find out this Wednesday at 8 p.m. only on CBS!
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