Holy heck. I don’t remember the last time that we had this stacked of a week when it comes to movies. There are four movies being released this week and I want to see all of them.
Then, there’s a total of 17 — that’s right, SEVENTEEN — trailers that dropped. It’s insane, really, but it also reminds me how much I love this industry.
Let’s get going.
Opening this week:
I saw Hereditary last night (review coming soon). Coincidentally, I didn’t get very good sleep last night. This movie is downright terrifying in every way, but oh my God is it brilliant. I know it’s early and all, but I see Hereditary going on to have a legacy similar to that of The Exorcist or Rosemary’s Baby. If you’re in for an uncomfortable, fear-inducing journey, then you absolutely need to see this movie.
Ocean’s 8
I had my reservations about Ocean’s 8 prior to any trailers being released — not because I’m against an all-female cast (which everyone on the internet really needs to shut the f**k up about), but because Gary Ross isn’t necessarily my favorite directing in the world. Still, the trailer impressed me and I’m looking forward to this one. It doesn’t look like they’re hinging on the previous Ocean’s movies — this is its own thing and it could be a lot of fun.
Hotel Artemis
According to early reviews, this isn’t a John Wick spinoff. I still don’t buy it. There has to be some end credit scene where Keanu Reeves walks in that everyone’s just hiding. There just has to be.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor
I don’t watch nearly as many documentaries as I should. When I see a trailer for something like Won’t You Be My Neighbor it makes me want to change that. People are saying that this is an automatic lock for Best Documentary at the Oscar’s this year and it’s not hard to see why based on the trailer. I’m ready to walk into that theatre and cry my eyes out over Mr. Rogers — a sentence I never thought I would ever type.
New Trailers:
Bumblebee (Dec. 21, 2018)
I can’t believe that out of all the new trailers that came out this week, a Transformers movie is the one I’m most excited about. Yet, after seeing this footage for the first time a couple of days ago, there’s something I just can’t quite shake about Bumblebee. This doesn’t look like another CGI crapfest from Michael Bay — this looks lighter, emotional and well told. I’m as surprised as all of you are, but I think Bumblebee just might be great.
Halloween (Oct. 19, 2018)
Then again, Halloween might be my favorite trailer released this week. I really can’t decide — and guess what, I don’t have to because I’m seeing both of these movies opening night. I love the attitude this new Halloween is taking: they’re basically saying screw all the sequels and reboots that came after the 1978 classic, this is the TRUE follow-up. And, based on what I’m seeing, this Halloween looks like it’s going to earn that title.
Suspiria (Nov. 2, 2018)
One of the many movies I had totally forgotten was being made until they surprised us with a trailer this week. Most people — including me — weren’t on board with a Suspiria remake at first, given that the original film is so good and still holds up to this day. Then we saw this trailer, what they’re going for and how perfectly it encompasses the '70s vibe and now we’re all dying to see it.
A Star is Born (Oct. 5, 2018)
I have a feeling about this one. It’s too early to tell and everything, I know, but I have a feeling this might be a major player in the Academy Awards this year. First off, I didn’t even know Bradley Cooper could sing. Pairing him with Lady Gaga is a bold move to go with that, but after this trailer, I’m ready to buy the album now. I’m getting a The Wrestler kind of vibe only with musicians, which means that this is probably going to end in a completely tragic manner.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Dec. 14, 2018)
We’ve seen so many different takes on Spider-Man that we should really all be sick of him by now — yet, when I see this trailer, I find myself excited out of my mind. Hell, I’m more excited for Into the Spider-Verse than I am for Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 right now, because this looks incredible.
The Girl in the Spider's Web (Nov. 9, 2018)
It’s not the most popular opinion in the world, but I LOVED David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and I was so bummed he wasn’t coming back to complete the trilogy that I didn’t want any more of these movies. Then I saw this trailer and I shut right up. I didn’t even realize that Fede Alvarez — director of the brilliant Don’t Breathe — was the one who was taking over, which gives me all kinds of new confidence. The Girl in the Spider’s Web seems to capture that dark, ominous tone perfectly, and I’m now so ready to see what Alvarez can do with this film.
Widows (Nov. 16, 2018)
While it starts off as a pretty clichéd and average trailer, Widows kicks into high gear during the second part. I love the premise of the movie, I love the whole cast involved and I’m so ready to see Viola Davis kick some serious ass.
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (Nov. 21, 2018)
Yes, Disney is slowly taking over the entire world and everything in it, as their merchandise is busting at the seems in the trailer for Wreck-It Ralph 2. Still, we might as well enjoy the ride into destruction while it lasts, because this still looks fun. The first Wreck-It Ralph was surprisingly great, as the message in there was one far more profound than it really had any right being, and Wreck-It Ralph 2 will hopefully be more of the same.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (March 1, 2019)
While it feels like a really long time since the second How to Train Your Dragon movie was released, there’s a reason why this franchise still works — the dragons are adorable, the characters are likable and the animation is stunning.
Bad Times at the El Royale (Oct. 5, 2018)
I saw that this was another movie about a hotel and my mind, once again, went to Hotel Artemis and John Wick and whether this was somehow connected too. It’s not. From what I can tell, this looks like a gritty, uncomfortable thriller that has vibes for days and could just be great. I need to see some more footage until I can confirm that latter statement, but I’m on board so far.
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (Feb. 8, 2019)
I wish I was more excited for this. Not that it looks bad or anything, it’s just that the first Lego Movie was so good and I was hoping I’d be just as pumped for the second one. Since Lego Movie, though, we’ve gotten Lego Batman and Lego Ninjago, applying the law of diminishing returns as this franchise is really over-exposing itself. I still hope this is just as good as the first one, but I have my reservations for now.
White Boy Rick (Sept. 14, 2018)
Matthew McConaughey, a mustache and a southern accent. We’ve seen it many times before and we’re likely to see it many times again. Still, I’m drawn into the true-story aspect of White Boy Rick as I don’t know much about the real-life events and am curious to see how the whole thing turns out.
The Old Man & The Gun (Oct. 5, 2018)
I mean, I’m sure I’m not the only one who will watch just about anything that Robert Redford appears in. The Old Man & The Gun may not be as exciting as something like Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but it looks charming and funny and all that, so I’ll give it a shot.
Serenity (Oct. 19, 2018)
The second Matthew McConaughey trailer of the week, this time reacquainting him with his old Interstellar flame Anne Hathaway. Instead of exploring planets together, they’re going fishing and committing murders together instead. I can dig that, I guess.
Siberia (July 13, 2018)
When I saw Hereditary last night, they played a trailer for some new sci-fi movie with Keanu Reeves that I hadn’t seen before. When I saw the thumbnail for Siberia I assumed it was that movie, but turns out this is a different Keanu Reeves film altogether. Guess we’ll have to wait for that other one to drop. Still, more Keanu Reeves is never a bad thing, even if every film he appears in doesn’t become the next John Wick. I’m just glad he’s back, really.
London Fields (2018)
A movie that stars Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. Yeah, based on their current relationship, something tells me this movie was made quite a few years ago and has been sitting on a shelf since then.
Mortal Engines (Dec. 14, 2018)
Wow, am I not excited for this one. Warner Brothers and Peter Jackson want me to be excited, as they’re hoping to turn this into their next bankable franchise. They’re putting the cart way before the horse on this one, though, because this looks like Jupiter Ascending 1.5.
Rewind pick:
Fright Night (2011)
Hereditary isn’t the first time Toni Collette has ventured into the horror genre — she’s done everything from The Sixth Sense to Krampus. I want to give some love to the 2011 Fright Night remake though, which she also starred in, as this movie went under a lot of people’s radars. Which, I get — reboots aren’t most peoples favorite things in the world and a Fright Night one seems unnecessary. The film itself, though, is actually really good. Colin Farrell plays a great vampire, honestly to the level of Kiefer Sutherland in The Lost Boys, and director Craig Gillespie knows how to tell this story in an intense and fun way. Give this one a second look.
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