Summer is usually known for having light and fun blockbuster movies, but not so much this weekend. Whether it be new releases or trailers, we’ve got a bunch of gritty or experimental kind of films to talk about — which still isn’t a bad thing.
That being said, Won’t You Be My Neighbor? finally just got picked up by my local theater so I’m going to be checking that out this weekend and I can’t wait.
Here’s what we got for this week’s Trailers by Brandon.
Opening this week:
Sicario: Day of the Soldado
After the first Sicario came out, I was under the impression that we didn’t really need a sequel. It was a pretty self-contained story and all. The trailers to Sicario: Day of the Soldado won me over though, and I’m excited to check out this movie later today. Of course, I’m keeping my expectations in check, because the first Sicario is great and it’s unfair to ask the movie to live up to that hype, but I’m hoping this will still be good.
Uncle Drew
All the NBA fans will probably go see this movie and love it. Me, the guy who wouldn’t want to watch an entire sports game of anything to save his life, will take a pass.
Leave No Trace
Once again, the movie I’m most excited to check out this week is the one that’s probably going to take an additional month to be picked up by a theater in my area. Mark my words though, I’ll be there opening night for this one (unless it opens again something like Ant-Man and the Wasp, in which case maybe not so much).
Three Identical Strangers
I’m trying my very best to check out more documentaries this year. Three Identical Strangers, along with Won’t You Be My Neighbor? is on that list. It’s a crazy concept and I’m excited to see how it all plays out.
New trailers:
Mandy (Sept. 14, 2018)
I don’t have the slightest clue — like literally none whatsoever — what this movie is or what it’s about but, dammit, sign me up. I mean, Nicholas Cage fighting evil with chainsaws. Need I really say more?
The Predator (Sept. 14, 2018)
Still not totally on board with this new take on The Predator as there are more than a few moments in this trailer that make me say “….really?” On the other hand, Shane Black is a great director so I’m hoping that it’s just the marketing team responsible for the mediocre reactions and not the actual film itself.
The Hate U Give (Oct. 19, 2018)
The Hate U Give looks relevant and has the potential to be powerful — that being said, there are a lot of similar movies coming out this time frame try to capture that and haven’t exactly been successful. I’m rooting for The Hate U Give, but I need a little more first.
The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter (July 6, 2018)
After playing bad-guys in Avengers: Infinity War and Deadpool 2, Josh Brolin finally gets a chance to kick-back and relax a little bit. The premise behind The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter is a great one, even if the trailer maybe didn’t make me laugh as hard as I hoped. I’m still going to be checking it out, though.
Assassination Nation (Sept. 21, 2018)
I’m confused. Are we doing The Purge again? Or is this something else entirely? We’re given practically nothing to really go off from this trailer, other than the fact that they’ve certainly set their ambitions high and are looking to make some kind of statement.
Madeline’s Madeline (August 10, 2018)
Speaking of giving nothing to go off of, what is this movie? The whole trailer is practically nothing but pull-quotes and the title Madeline’s Madeline sure raises a lot more questions than it answers. Yet, if you actually bother to read the pull-quotes, it looks like this movie is receiving all kinds of high praise so I don’t know, maybe this will turn out to be something.
Our House (July 27, 2018)
Another haunted house and, guess what, I’m still a sucker for this genre. I know not everyone feels that way, but I can’t get enough of these things. Throw the kid from Me, Earl and the Dying Girl in there and you’ve got my money.
Prisoners (2013)
Before Denis Villeneuve made Sicario and Blade Runner 2049, he made Prisoners — one of the better thrillers of the past decade with one of the biggest ‘OH MY GOD’ kind of endings that you’ll see. It’s uber-dark and definitely not a fun watch, but hoo boy is it good.
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