Trainers across the globe have been eagerly awaiting for news of Nintendo's first Pokemon game for the Switch game console and during a special press conference held by the Pokemon Company in Japan details about the new game were revealed!

The two new Switch versions entitled Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee take trainers back into the Pokemon world they love with some fresh twists.
On Twitter, the Pokemon Company states that the two new games are based on the hit game, Pokemon Yellow Special Pikachu Edition which launched in Japan in 1998. For the children who grew up with Pokemon, they will surely feel the nostalgic vibes while watching Pikachu or Eevee ride on the trainers running around the world map in the trailer below and remember Pikachu running behind them through their journey through the Kanto Region on the classic Gameboy.
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! are based on Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition, which first launched in Japan in 1998! https://t.co/kXLdxUMjjA #PokemonLetsGo pic.twitter.com/wxxCJH5Cfc
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) May 30, 2018
Trainers will begin their journey with either Pikachu or Eevee depending on which version they get, and just like Ash's Pikachu from the animated series your newfound friend will refuse to enter the Pokeball and travel with you everywhere you go riding your shoulder or on top of your head. All the original 151 Pokemon are back and up for grabs as you make your way beyond the reaches of Pallet Town, and according to Polygon some Alolan varients from Nintendo 3DS' Pokemon Sun & Moon may pop in for some fun as well.

Now unlike a simply upgraded re-release of Pokemon Yellow Nintendo aims to spice things up by linking the game with their immensely popular mobile game Pokemon Go. Trainers will be able to transfer the original 151 Pokemon from the mobile game to their Switch console for even more fun. The Switch game itself mimics the Pokemon catching system for Pokemon Go, but thanks to the Joycon controller, players can more easily use one hand to throw a Pokeball out at their next target.

Players can share the fun with another Joycon and a friend to journey together to catch Pokemon. By giving a friend a second Joycon two players can battle, catch, and run around the Pokemon world on one console. As seen in the trailer the two kids throw the Pokeball at the same time to catch a Clefairy and then battle a trainer as a team.

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee are also the first Nintendo Switch titles to introduce a brand new controller hardware in the form of the Pokeball Plus. The Pokeball Plus will work for both Pokemon games for the Switch and the Pokemon Go mobile game. The Pokeball Plus uses various lights and sounds to alert you to Pokemon nearby while you are out on the go, allow you to interact with your partner pokemon with soft gestures and sounds, or feel the vibrations as you catch Pokemon inside.

Eevee or Pikachu are shown wearing cute outfits and accessories that you can somehow unlock for use during the game to make your partner unique. We can only wonder how many backward red baseball caps will find their way on to players Pikachu's or Eevee's? The series main villains Team Rocket make an appearance for battle, and one of the series first major legendary Pokemon Mewtwo seems ready to battle as well. At the very end of the trailer, you are shown a present box on the Pokemon Go app, and you're informed that you will meet a special Pokemon that's never been seen before!
In order to meet that special pokemon and meet Pikachu or Eevee to start your new adventure, you'll have to pick up Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu or Eevee when it releases on November 16, 2018. The Pokeball Plus also releases on the same date, and yes they are sold separately.
As always for up to date info on Pokemon and more keep checking the Celebrity Cafe for all the latest news. Check out the full trailer and press conference below and let us know in the comments below if the hype for a new Pokemon adventure has taken over or the thought of a slightly reimaged game with some new controllers isn't enough for you. All we can say is that we are excited for what comes next.
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