Guess who wasn't mature enough to stay for a few days in Yosemite National Park? The guy who posted a video while in the "Suicide Forest," of Japan, Logan Paul, that's who.
Logan Paul recently posted vlogs about the trip, as seen below, where he was swarmed by fans, toured nature and hiked under a waterfall! Of course, why he got in trouble is just really obnoxious and possibly fatal.
Logan Paul, "rocked out," on his 23rd birthday Sunday, March 31, and was first caught by the authorities for parking the “Cool Bus” across multiple parking spaces, taking up a lot of spaces.
In the video (fast forward to 2:00 minutes) the ranger says, "A couple of issues with that. If everyone who wanted to camp wherever they felt like it did, think of how trashed this place would be. So there's that. And there's the fact that you took up how many spots? Five spots."
Next, he received another warning for allegedly riding atop the school bus with his crew while touring California’s Yosemite National Park.
A U.S. National Parks Service Ranger snagged the “Cool Bus,” Logan Paul's wheels while sitting in tents that were strapped to the vehicle’s roof.
An official stated to The Blast it, “Wasn’t the smartest or safest thing to do."
Logan Paul accepted responsibility for his party’s actions, and got a small fine for “illegal operation."
In a video uploaded online, Paul claimed he did not receive a ticket, according to Page Six.
Then, seemingly inevitable, YouTube star Logan Paul and his extremeness was kicked out of Yosemite National Park yesterday, April 3, (Tuesday) after multiple run-ins with park officials, involving a big citation and noise complaints from the other park goers.
The parks spokesperson, Jamie Richards stated, "He was not singled out. Every visitor who behaved as he did would be treated in the same way."
The second citation (the first being illegal operation) was for food storage violations, which could result in the unwanted presence of hungry bears.
Richards said concerning that, "Protecting bears is critical here in the park. Coolers, food and food scraps at his campsite were unsecured."
It might seem minor but if a bear attacked nearby people (who would be nearest to it) what kind of headline would there be then?
According to Richards, to boot, the park received noise disturbance complaints about Logan Paul and his crew ( there's the shouting fans, boorish super dudeness, etc.).
Richard, in addition, stated, "People come to Yosemite to enjoy the outdoors. They come here because it's a peaceful and beautiful place. When one person's visit disturbs another, we have to make contact."
Ceremoniously at 1 p.m. April 3, 2018 Logan Paul was ejected out of Yosemite.
His above video got 3.5 million views, according to SFGate.
This is his most recent vlog on Yosemite. Of course, it seems he doesn't really care about getting kicked out of Yosemite. Still, there is a future, and if he is thinking for Logan Paul's sake, he doesn't want to bite off a big scandal that's too much to chew.
Can Logan Paul be forgiven for his vlog in Japan’s Suicide Forest?
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