This actor inspires children and sometimes makes adults laugh with his sometimes irreverent take on Honest Abe
Tom Katsis has been passionate about acting for almost all of his life, however, even with nearly 40 IMDb credits, he was still relatively unknown. That is until last fall when he co-starred in the hit A Millennial Job Interview which has been shared and viewed more than a hundred million times.
People are even recognizing him on the street from his part in this under-three-minute video sensation.
The Celebrity academy recently ran an interview with the talented and funny team behind this much-talked-about job interview. During the conversation with the group, we learned that each of them had some great stories to add that had us eager to learn more about the actors as individuals. (See the team interview here.)
With Tom, there are many things that are interesting. Being the only boy in a Greek family with five sisters seems like it would yield some terrific stories, however, it is his primary acting role that is a little different. He is most known for playing President Abraham Lincoln in live shows and presentations. In fact, he is one of the few union actors who is known and receives numerous gigs for playing our 16th President.
Tom Katsis plays Lincoln at schools and community centers, usually in the California area many times per year. The children are in awe of him and Michelle Tompkins wanted to share his story with the audience of TheCelebrityCafe.com.

Michelle Tompkins: Well, congratulations on the success of A Millennial Job Interview. You must be thrilled.
Tom Katsis: Well, I think that Daniel Brea, he's pretty positive, it's new to me and has spread worldwide, but Daniel is getting requests from people in Russia, "Can you make Russian version to show the kids how they are?" [laughter].
Michelle Tompkins: Oh, that's funny [laughter].
Tom Katsis: Daniel just sent me a couple of his trolling emails that he's received, that are really funny. As I've told you guys, I think the negative comments are actually almost as funny as the video is itself. There's some crazy on every possible side. There are people who agree with you. There are people who disagree with you. There are people who think you guys are awful. But really one thing that people don't say is that it's unfunny. Or if they say it's unfunny they're funny for not finding it funny.
Oh yes. What I like about it is every so often— and a writer-producer taught me how to get Twitter a couple of weeks ago which has been really a lot of fun for me, but it's so funny when, on Twitter, this one lady said, "It's a parable, ladies and gentleman. Wake up. It's a parable. It's just for fun. Some of you are that way and some of you aren't but get a life." So it's been pretty funny.
Michelle Tompkins: One person posted the definition of satire. The video monopolized my family over the holidays and it's still talked about. Because now I'm writing about it reading these negative comments still humor me [laughter]. Now you did something exciting today. What was it?
Tom Katsis: Well, this is a gentleman who is a former military guy that does this wonderful show that's going to hopefully be on Netflix that the veterans love and it's kind of a little bit on the risqué side, and so he came up with this—he's done several of these—and this one was president Washington, president Lincoln, president Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin show up at this frat party and show these kids how to party. It's just outrageous.
Michelle Tompkins: I think they could beat us at partying, and I think they could beat any kid.
Tom Katsis: It's definitely geared to the military guys that don't get a lot of entertainment that they like which is a little bit exciting and it make them feel like they're still alive. So it's very cleverly written and there's one scene where -- and I drink a margarita once in a while -- they put iced tea in this funnel. You know the thing where they hold the funnel above you and drink through a tube?
Michelle Tompkins: Beerbong.
Tom Katsis: Okay, so it was iced tea, so it looked like it was beer, so this cute little girl in a red, white and blue bikini, and the American flag, she's holding it for me and so I'm…
Michelle Tompkins: And you're playing Lincoln, correct?
Tom Katsis: Yeah. Yeah. And they said, ‘Do whatever you want.’ so I drank it and then, of course, I stopped and took it out of my mouth and the pretty young woman said, ‘Come over here.’ and so I poured a whole bunch of beer in there for her, and then I'm on the penny [laughter].
Michelle Tompkins: Oh, that's funny.
Tom Katsis: It was so good. It was so good. So it just was like a party atmosphere. They had all the balloons and everything else on there too. So it's kind of fun. But I wrapped it. We wrapped. I went down this morning, at 6:00 in the morning. And then I go back here, and I'm talking to you.
Michelle Tompkins: Is there a name for the commercial? Is there a place we could find it soon?
Tom Katsis: Oh, no. It was a 15-day shoot. And so this was the 15th day we shot. I think they break them into small 15-, 20-minute episodes on— it'll be aimed toward a Netflix-type thing where people will be subscribing to see it.
Michelle Tompkins: Oh, so it's is still up in the air?
Tom Katsis: Donnie, the wonderful director, he said they've got their own subscription set up now with 18,000 members. And as it continues to grow, the people will be paying to see what they produce.
And it was fun to do. It was kind of a surprise ad because yesterday at 4:30 I was going over to my stylist to color my hair dark, then at 4:30 I get a call from this casting director in San Diego saying, ‘Tom, we looked you up on your website. Can you come down here? We've got President Washington, Jefferson, and we have Benjamin Franklin. We don't have President Lincoln.’ I said, ‘Are you kidding me. I'm just now getting my hair ready for my performance in next week's show.’ Because next Wednesday I'll be in Corning, California, and next Friday doing Stanford, California, doing these well-written school shows from Mobile Education, we call them Mobile Ed, out of Detroit, Michigan. And they found me three years ago on the Association of Lincoln Presenters. The guy called me. The owner of the company said, ‘Hey, Tom, I've got to tell you we've had a really good Lincoln guy out of Palmdale, California, but he's retiring, and he's not doing well. We hope he lives a long time. But he's just not up to doing these shows anymore.’ So I'm kind of their California Lincoln.
Michelle Tompkins: Nice.
Tom Katsis: Yeah. Michelle, I've made more SAG money the last 19 years than in any other kind of role on television. So that's why this short movie with Melissa and me is going to, I think, bag me more co-starring teacher parts. Because being on CSI: Criminal Investigation and getting killed within the first 20 seconds I'm on the screen, yeah, the pay's good, but it's one of those typical little tiny co-star things. You start being a guest star or instead of turning your weight in something. So my goal-- in fact, this really good writer-producer, her name is Linda, she taught me how to tweet and Twitter, but now I've hired her to do some tweeting for me. Like to Judd Apatow, Amy Poehler, Steve Carrell, any of those people that have their own production companies they see that cute little film and they're going to say—they could say, ‘We could use Tom. Tom could be in this movie. We want a new face. That could be Tom.’
Michelle Tompkins: Now, where are you originally from?
Tom Katsis: Originally from Sioux City, Iowa.
Michelle Tompkins: And where do you live now?
Tom Katsis: Sherman Oaks, California.
Michelle Tompkins: Tell me about your childhood.
Tom Katsis: Oh. I’m Greek. My dad's parents and my mom's parents—both sets of grandparents moved over to America in the early 1900s, but Chicago was too big for them, so they went to East Moline, Illinois. That's near Davenport, Iowa. Rock Island, East Moline, Illinois. My grandpa and my dad and my uncle were cobblers -- shoe repairmen. So my dad started his shoe repair business when Grandpa mentored him. And I was born in Sioux City, Iowa and baptized in East Moline, Illinois, where the grandparents were.
I grew up in Sioux City, and I was in the play in the fourth grade where the Santa Claus suit was too small. I couldn't be Santa Claus, and my teacher said, ‘Tom, the wrong size Santa Claus suit. I don't know. I'm just very disappointed myself. Do you mind being in the ensemble?’ And I remember thinking, ‘I'm being downgraded to the ensemble in the fourth grade.’ I was furious [laughter]. Not really, but it was like, ‘What? I had the part of Santa nailed.’
Michelle Tompkins: No, it's childhood anger, which I think is kind of right on for that disappointment. Now, what are your favorite Greek dishes?
Tom Katsis: Oh, I'm huge on spanakopita and pastitsio, but I really like dolmades went they're made with the seasoned ground meat— the sheep and beef and the orzo. So I like grape leaves, but I like them to be not vegetarian. I don't like vegetarian grape leaves. We call them dolmades.

Now, I've got five sisters, and two of them— maybe even three, but two of them—my older sister Elaine, and one of my younger twin sisters Alexandra—Marty, the youngest—my mom had two sets of twins after me, and my older sister Elaine. And three of them are just amazing Greek cooks. So they'll make chicken Greek-style. And then Elaine has taught my daughter how to make baklava. And baklava, when it's made without too much honey so that it's more delicate, is much better than baklava that you get at a lot of restaurants where you feel like you're eating a wad of honey. That's no good at all.
Michelle Tompkins: Now, do you have any brothers, too?
Tom Katsis: I'm the only boy. I'm the only boy. And all the girls— mom passed away when she was 88, and all the girls said, ‘Well, she favored you.’ I get that all the time. And mom probably did because I was the only boy [laughter].
Michelle Tompkins: Now, how did you know you wanted to be an actor?
Tom Katsis: In 11th grade, I had a great teacher, Ms. Lenore Hays. She was my mentor in high school. I had her for drama, and in the 11th grade, she directed me in a nice short play. And we put it on in front of the school in the small auditorium, we did the performance for them. The audience went nuts. And Ms. Hays looked at me and said, ‘If you quit acting, I'll kill you.’ And then I kept up with her until she passed away in her mid-80s.
Michelle Tompkins: What was your training? Your education?
Tom Katsis: Well, I went to Wayne State Teacher's College in Wayne, Nebraska, not Wayne State Detroit. And I was a speech major, English business minor, did plays there. Then I went on to get my Masters in communication at the University of South Dakota. But, then while I was teaching in Sioux City—I taught for ten years in Sioux City and I was a counselor for two years, so the twelve years I was in education, that's what I did. But I started doing the community theater, and then I started doing a lot of dinner theater, and then I start doing different plays for the college drama coaches around. That's when I started to notice that I really enjoyed being on stage, and it was fun to memorize all those lines and be in the moment and be scared as hell before going on stage every night.
But once my foot got on that stage that's when I started really getting hooked on it. So that was up until '85, and then I moved to San Diego in '85 and had an agent there. But I was driving back and forth to auditions in L.A. and that was stupid because I would come up to audition for something, drive back to San Diego and try to sell a little insurance, and then get a callback and try to drive back the next day. So my ex and I moved up here in '94.
Michelle Tompkins: Now, tell me about your theater work.
Tom Katsis: Okay, when I did plays I was, I think a good actor, but when I moved to L.A., I had an audition for a commercial once and I knew something just wasn't right. I just didn't feel that I knew what I was doing, and I was also going to a workout, a really good class and it's called Renegade Theater with Bobby Moresco and Paul Haggis, who won the Academy Award for Million Dollar Baby. Well, Bobby who was originally from New York and he knew about Meisner training, Sanford Meisner. And I went to him and I said, "You know, Bobby, I just don't know if...," and he said "Tom, you really need to take a good class. You still need to get your edges roughed up a little bit. You need to get deeper into the work." So I got to be Meisner trained by William Alderson who ran the Neighborhood Playhouse in New York for 20 years and came out here in the mid-90s. I did the two-year Meisner training with him and then I was in Master Class with him for many years. And since that time, I've taken some other kind of workshops too. Acting is just like being to the gym, you want to work out.
Michelle Tompkins: Now, what was your first professional, aka paid gig as an actor?
Tom Katsis: Oh. Well, [laughter], if you IMDb it, I was the French prison official in Killer Tomatoes Eat France. I was living in San Diego and John Astin, they were doing that Killer Tomato franchise movie and the one that—I was in the fourth one called, Killer Tomatoes Eat France and I had the opening scene with John Astin, and my opening line in the movie is, "There must be some mistake warden. He's the most dangerous man in the world."
I remember when I was auditioning for that in San Diego at this casting office, this is what I hate about acting. I hate it when I go to audition something. The walls are paper thin and you can hear what everybody else is doing in the room, auditioning. So I'm sitting there and I'm listening to these other actors go in there to play the part of the French prison official and every one of them that goes in there—and there's about 8 or 10 of us or so and I could hear them going in there saying, ‘There must be some mistake. He's the most dangerous man in the world.’ I thought, ‘Wait a minute. Wait minute.’ So I went in there and I went, "There must be some mistake with him. He's the most dangerous man in the world," [Tom used a snooty French accent] so when I booked the job and I went to the set, they said, ‘Tom, please do it exactly the same way you did it at the audition.’

Tom Katsis starts playing Abraham Lincoln
Michelle Tompkins: Now what's your favorite thing about playing Lincoln?
Tom Katsis: I think it's the research I've done about how him. There have been more books written about him than any other person— second only to Jesus. And the fact that Lincoln was the forerunner because of how he treated people and how he was so pro-business, he was the forerunner to the Dale Carnegie courses. In fact, Michelle, an amazing read is Dale Carnegie's book on Lincoln in the 1920s or 30s because Dale Carnegie studied the business practices of people in the late 1800s and developed the Dale Carnegie courses off that.
I loved learning of Lincoln's way that he handled people. They said to Lincoln after he won the election that he shocked everybody because nobody thought he was going to get the nomination. Seward thought he was going to get the nomination. William Stanton, who became Secretary of War, hated him. And he put all those people in his cabinet and his political advisors said, ‘Lincoln, what are you doing? You put your enemies in the cabinet.’ And Lincoln said, ‘I'd rather have them pissing out of the tent than pissing into the tent.’ and eventually, they all grew to love and admire me. He and Stanton became buddies.
Michelle Tompkins: Now how did you start playing him?
Tom Katsis: This is amazing. In 1999 Rob Marcopalis, in his senior thesis drama at USC I got called in for an audition. He says to me, ‘Tom, you're going to play Lincoln in my comedy short.’ And that was the beginning. I had no idea that I had that facial structure.
Michelle Tompkins: When and where do you play him?"
Tom Katsis: I played him in television shows. I've played him in commercials as Lincoln. I've played him in a group of a proprietary source for corporations or political organizations, which are crafted to what they want. And I've also now have been pleased went into my third year to review the scripts that are written by the mobile education people out of Detroit because I do a different script for K through second grade, third, fourth and fifth grade, and middle school.
Michelle Tompkins: About how many performances of Lincoln have you done in your career?
Tom Katsis: Well, Michelle, I think I've done, I don't think it's hundreds, but let's say I've done an average of eight or ten per year since '99, I'm coming up on 18 years. It's been a lot.
Michelle Tompkins: So what do you like best about working with the children?
Tom Katsis: I mean first of all, because I look so much like Lincoln, I tell the principal or whoever's going to be introducing me, I say to them, ‘Don't even say what the program's about.’ And then when I'm up behind the curtain or waiting in the room before I enter the auditorium, don't say, ‘We have somebody here today portraying Lincoln.’ That just, not that the kids aren't going to enjoy the show, but they'll say, ‘Well children, we're having history this month, and this is a month when people that are really famous in history will be coming to school. Today through the magic of time and travel, we've got a really famous person from way before you were born. They really had a lot of impact on our nation. Boys and girls, I now present you to the 16th president of the United States." And when I walk out you can feel the air go out of the room.
Michelle Tompkins: If you could meet one president, alive or dead, who would it be?
Tom Katsis: Oh yeah, Lincoln. It's Lincoln.
Michelle Tompkins: I would also. Good.
Tom Katsis: By the way, Michelle, in some of the shows I've done in the last year or so, particularly the run-up to the election, some of the student bodies I was very careful to keep it about Lincoln's life as he lived his life. And then a couple of times when the students have tried to ask me questions-- some of the middle school kids would say, ‘Well, what do you think about--?’ I'd say, ‘Well, that's a good thing for you and your teachers to discuss.’ And the teachers, you could feel them sighing relief that I'm not going to get into anything about what's going on with the craziness of today. Because really, that's something that teachers, if they do a right, proper job of it and not make fools of themselves, can talk to kids. ‘Well, hey, we've got a two-party system. And things are probably going to work out at each election cycle,’ that kind of thing. I'm pretty careful about that.
Michelle Tompkins: That's smart. Disney has this rule when people play the princesses that they can only talk about stuff within their universe.
Tom Katsis: Yeah. Yeah.
Michelle Tompkins: You can ask Belle what is her favorite book. But the princesses can’t answer something like, ‘Who do you think is going to win the Super Bowl?’ They can't answer the questions on whose her favorite Marvel character, or she wants to win for the president. So I think it's very smart.
Tom Katsis: Absolutely. And Michelle, I don't want any feedback to get back to Mobilette, a very-well established 35-year-old company. They want us to go there and just be a good show for these children. And you know, it's the same way - I've told Michelle about when I really like a particular famous performance, I don't give a rat's ass who they want in the office. I paid money for these concerts—25, 35, 45, 55. Please perform for me. I don't need to hear your views on whatever [laughter]. If I'm a friend of that performer and having coffee with them sometimes, they can go on and on about what they do and don't like about politics or the environment or the climate or all those things.
Michelle Tompkins: I completely agree with you. Elizabeth Hurley said something years ago that I've always remembered. She said, "I'd rather hear the name of a celebrity's pet than their thoughts on politics.
Tom Katsis: That's right.
Michelle Tompkins: Now, you have lots of IMBd credits. Do you have any favorite stories from one of your movies?
Tom Katsis: Well, you're so kind, Michelle. Because a lot of that has been from hard work and trying to build up relationships in the industry. And I mean this in the most sincere manner, Michelle. I'm hoping to still be discovered so I can do some pretty major motion picture work. I work with some really good directors, and I've worked with some good TV shows. But I'm really kind of like the guy that came here a little bit later in life. My competition are these other wonderful actors that have been here 35-40 years and have kind of a big jump start on me. And they've got their relationships with the casting director and the director. And I can't deny them that. So I think I'm still in the midst of being discovered.
Michelle Tompkins: My brother is an actor, too, and he started out a long time ago, but life got busy, everything else. And one thing that I like, though, is that when people get the start later in life and return to it and everything else, you're not competing for the young people roles. So the herd has thinned a bit.
Tom Katsis: And I've been very blessed to have a lot of great energy and a lot of joie de vivre. I still get really excited by even getting an audition. Getting a commercial audition, it just—that's why I have my insurance agency, so I can pay my bills and not live in a van down by the river [laughter]. I want to have that freedom, Michelle, but today I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning, slapped my Lincoln garb on, got in my BMW and went to San Diego [laughter]. And that's the freedom of being my own one-man man with my insurance company.
Michelle Tompkins: And that works too. But on a Friday, driving down to San Diego is near suicide messing with that traffic.
Tom Katsis: A pain in the ass, Michelle.
Michelle Tompkins: Now, our audience hasn't heard this story, but I have. But I think it's funny. Tell the CSI story.
Tom Katsis: I auditioned for the casting director for CSI, Criminal Investigation, and the audition is a man is being found by these kids playing soccer on their soccer field. So the audition is, the man's only line as he comes up— the soccer ball is already coming down the side of the hill. And the man reaches up from down where he's literally almost dead from being murdered. But he reaches up toward the boy who's going for the soccer ball, and he says, "Can you please help me." That's his enormous big line. So once again, I was at the casting office [laughter] and I could hear what everybody else is tearing this apart. And basically, all the men that were going there for this older guy who's got a beautiful wife that's already been murdered, and that's his part in the episode. It was a twin episode with another. So my episode's called ‘Doing What,’ and it was a dual episode with another drama that crossed over because they both were shows on CBS. So it was kind of a backslide down a lot of residual payments over the years. I just got a big residual check for that part for $0.84. But thank you very much for the show anyway [laughter]. So I go and I could hear these people auditioning for this part for this one line the guy says. So I know I'm going to be in makeup for two hours and dead after 30 seconds, but these guys are going in and they're going, ‘Please help me [laughter]’ with My last breath [laughter]. And so I got the part. So that's the typical TV part that you'll bag, where you get to say, "Would you like fries with that coke [laughter]?" But that's going to build up a lot of residuals.
The joy that is A Millennial Job Interview
Michelle Tompkins: So how did A Millennial Job Interview come your way?
Tom Katsis: Well, Ralph [Odierna] had written that wonderful piece. It was featured in that acting class with Melissa [Tucker] and it was a 10-page play, which I found out the same time you heard him on the phone. And so she either had picked a guy to play that part, and he couldn't make it, or she didn't quite know what to do. And she told Daniel [Brea], ‘Daniel,’ she said, ‘do you know somebody that could do this? Because this other guy, I don't know if he should really want to do it. I don't know what to do.’ And Daniel had seen my work before, and he said, ‘Tom, here's a script. Take a look at it. Could you help us out?’ he said, ‘couple hours, over at this—‘they had a real-life studio set up over in Sun Valley. I said, ‘Yeah! It's cute. It's clever." So I went there, and he shot it, and he did such a nice job of cutting it into a short that, when he sent it to me, I said, ‘Daniel, do you mind if I show this to a couple people?’ He says, ‘No, no! Go ahead, Tom.’ So I said, ‘Let me check with Melissa first.’ He said, ‘No, Tom, it's okay. Both you guys can use it.’ So I sent it to Mike Larson, who's written for like five different television shows, and currently, he's Jackie Speier's press secretary. Mike has led the life of a television writer and a political. He really likes both those lives. And I sent it to Mike, and Mike said to me, ‘When did this air?’ I said, ‘Mike, it's a demo reel.’ He said, ‘Are you kidding me?’ He said, ‘Get that up on YouTube.’ So I told Daniel, I said, ‘Daniel, get this up on YouTube and Vimeo.’ And Daniel's quote was, ‘Really?’ But I just had this—when I saw it, it just struck me, something special had happened with that. And something has happened special with that [laughter].
Michelle Tompkins: Did you practice your reactions in a mirror or did you just kind of go naturally?
Tom Katsis: No, just working off of each other. Daniel does a good job of saying, ‘Hey, improv a little bit with it.’ So one of the wonderful improv moments I had was when she talked about her double latte, ‘Not too hot, blah blah blah.’ I had this long—I didn't even realize I was doing it, Michelle. I had no idea I was doing it — I had this long, ‘What the F did I just hear?’ and then went, ‘Wow. Amy, I don't think we're going to be a good fit.’
Michelle Tompkins: Well, the tsk is one of her best things, that sound of disgust that she made at the end. Do you have a favorite mean comment?
Tom Katsis: Oh, on Twitter - and I've even answered a couple of them back - one person said, ‘Not funny get a clue how hard we work’ and I shot back. And I retweeted it and shot back. ‘It was a parody, but certainly, it struck a chord.’ And the guy said, ‘Yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're right.’ So it's been kind of fun engaging with people on it.
Michelle Tompkins: Now, what is your dream part?
Tom Katsis: I've thought about that quite a bit. My dream part would be to really be that elegant older actor that can play a mob boss, a college professor, an older man with a romance with a wonderful lady. But it would be in a movie where I'd have a great supporting role. For example, my acting coach is really an amazing man. When he saw The Aviator with [Leonardo] DiCaprio, he thought I would've been perfect in the part that Alan Alda played as the senator. And I did a short film called Gustav's Brush where I'm an older artist. It's a 16-minute film. I'm an older artist and I am thinking about taking my life, but a young man who's kind of a relative of mine starts hanging out with me and my joy of life returns. Well, I sent that out and showed it to some people. And Michael Lurie, who's a really gifted actor, he said, ‘Tom, you reminded me of Richard Jenkins when he plays his roles.’ So I've gotten some really good, very very generous comments from people when they see me in something like that. Also, if you go to Vimeo and you look up Gustav's Brush, you can see that film.
Michelle Tompkins: Oh, great. I'll look. Now, when you're not working, what do you like to do for fun?
Tom Katsis: I still play full court basketball three times a week and play golf two or three times a month. And I like to support other actors, I love live theater. I like to go see live plays. And I enjoy building up my insurance client base because, in a way, that'll be my retirement as I grow older. Because those commissions, when I help somebody get a real good Medicare policy, those commissions will be paid to me — they don't pay me a penny. I get paid by the carrier to be their agent. If you've had any family or friends that have been insurance agents, that's kind of how the residuals of the business world, is selling somebody a good policy that they keep for many years. You're sitting in a nice tiny residual every month. Those fill up and it makes you live a more comfortable life as you grow older.
Michelle Tompkins: Sounds good. Now, is there anything you want to add about your family?
Tom Katsis: Well, I'm pretty blessed. I've got my daughter and her family, Janie and her husband Joe and the grandkids. They live in San Diego. And my son and his family—he's a doctor. They live in Tulsa. They adopted three kids, then they had two born to them, then adopted three more. They wanted a large family. They got eight kids.
Michelle Tompkins: Do you see your son often?
Tom Katsis: Oh, yeah. Him I'll see two, three times a year. I get to see my daughter quite a bit. Of course, I'll see her on this ski trip that we're taking for the next three days in Mammoth. And even though I was in San Diego today, Michelle, I didn't have time to stop and chat because I wanted to get back here to get ready for ski trip tomorrow.
Michelle Tompkins: Now, what are your social media handles?
Tom Katsis: My actor site is www.tomkatsis.com. And I should've known better before going on Twitter. But on Twitter, it's @zorbaman. Z-O-R-B-A-M-A-N. All right. And Linda, this pretty good writer-producer, she's really awesome. She's going to do my social media for me. My insurance work and keeping up with trying to do the things that I do to be more proactive about booking work, it's smart sometimes to hire people to do those things
Michelle Tompkins: What’s next for you?
Tom Katsis: Just that mysterious world of when I might pursue a role that I think I’m right for. What’s my next audition? It is like you are applying for a job, going in for an interview. That is the exciting thing about acting, the unknown. Here I am, today I have two wonderful jobs. This weekend I’m doing a show in Simi Valley as Lincoln and then things will be dormant until I get another audition.

Tom Katsis can be found at www.tomkatsis.com and in the hit viral A Millennial Job Interview video.
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