Logan Paul is again apologizing for keeping the camera's rolling and publishing a video of a dead man in Japan's Suicide Forest.
As we reported earlier, Logan apologized in writing to his followers and the internet for releasing the footage not only of the suicide victim but of himself and his crew laughing and commenting on the body. His apology made things worse.
He has now posted a video apology, the apology that should have come first, which can be seen below.
I write about Logan often, my daughter is a huge fan and hearing about what he had done gave me great pause. I considered blocking his channel to protect my children from future episodes, while also knowing they would figure out how to watch the videos in other ways.
Talking to my tweens about suicide is now on my list of things I must do sooner than I want to. I wish my children didn't have to know about any kind of pain so young. The world they are growing up in is hard to navigate as it is. I will again choke back my tears as I talk to them, to make sure they understand suicide is so filled with pain and anguish, for the victim, for their loved ones, that it is never to be mocked or joked about.
Logan Paul did not think about his young fans and what they would need to learn to comprehend what he had posted and why it was wrong to invade the victim's privacy and suffering in such a way.
Logan Paul did not think about the people around him who are considering taking their own lives.
Logan Paul did not think about the loved ones left behind by suicide.
Logan Paul did not think about the people who have routinely walked the Aokigahara forest grounds to find bodies since the 1970s.
My hope, after watching Logan in the video below, is that he truly understands what he did. Not just posting the vlog, not just making fun of a suicide victim, not just tormenting the family and loved ones of the victim, but taking a camera into a place that is haunted by over 200 suicides a year and not being mature enough to stop and think and care.
Right now, no, Logan Paul cannot be forgiven. This video is a good start, but he has done too much harm. I do believe he can earn back the trust he's been given. We will have to wait and see if he can grow up and do that. Until then, it's up to us, his fans, the parents of his fans, the writers who talk about his antics, to hold him accountable at a new level.
If you or a loved one are considering suicide, need help or someone who will listen and not judge, I urge you to call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. You are not alone.
To talk to a suicide hotline outside of the United States, here are the numbers:
Argentina: +5402234930430
Australia: 131114
Austria: 017133374
Belgium: 106
Botswana: 3911270
Brazil: 212339191
Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal)
China: 85223820000
Croatia: 014833888
Denmark: +4570201201
Egypt: 7621602
Finland: 040-5032199
France: 0145394000
Germany: 08001810771
Holland: 09000767
India: 8888817666
Ireland: +4408457909090
Italy: 800860022
Japan: +810352869090
Mexico: 5255102550
New Zealand: 045861048
Norway: +4781533300
Philippines: 028969191
Poland: 5270000
Russia: 0078202577577
Spain: 914590050
South Africa: 0514445691
Sweden: 46317112400
Switzerland: 143
United Kingdom: 08457909090
USA: 18002738255
So sorry. pic.twitter.com/JkYXzYsrLX
— Logan Paul (@LoganPaul) January 2, 2018
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