Office toys are incredibly valuable to keep around. Not only do they help quiet a frazzled mind and give you something to do with your hands, but also they are also a lot of fun and are a great way to connect with colleagues.
If you want to always be in-the-know of what is going on at work, do three things: 1. Be pleasant to work with; 2. Have a candy bowl to share; 3. Have some office toys or fidget toys in plain sight.
There are so many different types of office toys around. Some that have stood the test of time include Zen gardens where you make your own landscapes and rake the sand of your own little meditation zone; Newton's Cradles with the clacking balls that can get annoying, but sometimes you want to see how long they can actually go; clever liquid timers with their pretty colored gel rolling down the Rube Goldbergesque path, Buddha Boards where you paint with water and watch your stress and artistic creation fade away and all sorts of magnetic art creation options.
Now that fidget toys are so popular, bringing spinners and cubes into meetings isn't uncommon. They have been proven to lower stress and sometimes bring smiles.
With the holidays approaching, consider getting these office toys or fidget toys and even a few work-appropriate games for your friends, family and coworkers and they are surly to bring smiles and make work a trifle more fun.
Light up fidget toys are especially fun. Zing has an Every Day Play (EDP) Line that has three different types of spinners called Spinzipz, Spinbladez, Spin Circuits; Klixx and their supercool Tumblestix. These all require a bit of dexterity, but they are easy to learn how to use. You may have to fight your kids for them, or better yet, get them some of these toys for them to play with too. All are around $9.99 and can be purchased here.
Thumb Chucks
Thumb Chucks are the new evolution of a yo-yo. This is a portable skill toy where you can take it with you and practice anywhere. They come in four mix-and-match colors: red, green, blue and orange and they contain LED pulse lights. Wow your colleagues with these cool toys. The sell for only $9.99 and can be purchased here.
EDC Keychain Portable Spinning Top
Office toys are good for the soul and perfect for a stocking stuffer. The EDC Keychain Portable Spinning Top is just so cool. It is super-tiny. In fact, it is a keychain, but the joy it brings is huge. This top spins for more than three minutes and it is fun at the office or at the bar. Get this truly joyful gift for all priced at about $14 available from Amazon.
FidgetlyCTRL Device
What? A smart spinner? Yep. And it is actually even cooler than that sounds. The FidgetlyCTRL Device connects to your mobile device via Bluetooth for pairing. These spinners contain accelerometers, gyroscopes and hall effect sensors to give players the ultimate CTRL over your spinning/gaming experience. And these spinners go for a long time. Depending on which way you are using the CTRL, it can go between 1-4 minutes. Because it is connected, you can track your stats, complete challenges and discover even more ways to play with it. They come in multiple colors and can be purchased for $39.99 here.
Sensory Genius: Unwired
Sometimes you just want something to fiddle with to reduce stress. Sensory Genius: Unwired is a blue, bendable stick that is ribbed and can be twisted in many forms and shapes. It is simple, but satisfying. Unwired can found here and sells for $4.95. Sensory Genius also has additional fidget toys that make people smile and are perfect to keep on a desk as a conversation starter. Some other items include: Fidjigami, Fuzzy Focus, Stress Balls (a personal favorite as they are the perfect size to keep on you during a stressful conference call) and other objects available and reasonably priced through Mindware.
The Turbine Fidget Ring
Absolute quiet and lack of motion is stressful for some people. Hence why some doodle while others spin pens or find something to occupy them in a way that lets them think. This interesting and cute Fidget Ring spins around and lets you regain your focus. The ring comes available in many sizes and colors and can be purchased for $14 here.
Squish it. Shape it. Squeeze it into a tight ball. Mix colors and create works of art. The options are endless for Playfoam. Ok, technically this toy is meant for kids, but it is so much fun that everyone should have some of this on their desk. This isn’t gooey like slime. It is made from tiny foam balls that are held together by some kind of sticky substance. Don’t worry; they don’t stick to your hands. While kids like the glitter, those aren’t as practical as a work toy as the glitter can get all over the place. Playfoam is available in many stores and range in price from $6-20 and can be easily purchased on Amazon here.
Suggestions from The Dollar Tree or other $.99-1.00 stores around the country
Office toys don’t need to be expensive, but they reduce stress, can make you more focused and also can get people to stop by to visit your office, cube or workstation to play with them too. Discount stores such as The Dollar Tree have many items that you can consider to have on hand. These novelty items can usually be found in the toy aisle and they bring countless hours of fun without spending too much money. Some things to look for include: Silly Putty, Slinkys, pinwheels, bubbles, foam balls, coloring books, crayons, magnetic drawing boards, yo-yos, squishy toys, and more. Check them out to find some great options for office toys.
Everything is awesome…OK, sorry to the parents who are sick of that song, however Legos are fun for adults too. The LEGO Fidget Cube lets you create your own fidget cube on your own terms. This is fun and a different take on your standard fidget device as you built it and can change it yourself. It comes with 48 pieces and in varying colors. You can buy one for $13.99 here.
Creatively Calm Studios
Coloring has become a very popular way for adults to relax and get their creative juices flowing. Creatively Calm has many beautiful coloring book options including animals, shapes, landmarks, scenery and more. They are available at Amazon and here. De-stress with a little coloring and you may even be inclined to share a page with a curious colleague.
Sometimes asking yourself or others some pointed questions can help you see the world a little differently. Zietgeist Gifts has many sets of cards that are meant to inspire people to think. They come in many different varieties that can help people with relationships and career planning. One set of items they have are from the School of Life collection that include Know Yourself! Prompt Cards for Self-Analysis, Calm - Prompt Cards for Stress and Frustration, What Should I Do with my Life? Card Game for Job Interests and a few more. The Career Crisis Prompt Cards are great too, but probably not the best choice to keep in plain sight at your office. These cards have prompts and questions that are fun to do with family, friends and colleagues. Keep a box on your desk and bring them out at a meeting and get some interesting conversations going. They run about $15 per set and can be purchased here.
Game Night in a Can
Sometimes you need to bring up the mood in your office. Game Night In A Can is a portable easy way to bring a little fun to work. This G-rated game is appropriate for people of all ages, but it can really bond teams of coworkers together because of the variations of games possible. You randomly pull out seven cards and there are millions, actually over three million variations on which games are selected. These games include skill challenges, creative contests and team building. You don’t need any special equipment just paper, pens and willing participants. But why wouldn’t anyone be unwilling? These games are fun, easy to play and can help ignite some creative spirit into your office (or home). Game Night In A Can may be purchased at Amazon here for $24.99
Office Toys and Fidget Toys are a lot of fun. What is your favorite Office or Fidget Toy to help you de-stress?
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