The Green Arrow, a dark and mysterious character, returns to The CW this fall.
After Laurel's demise and both Diggle and Thea gone from Team Arrow, Oliver rampages solo to secure Star City's nationals as the Green Arrow. With Felicity controlling from the bunker, Oliver is compelled to manage a city that has become invaded with a lot of new vigilantes. Watching Oliver attempt to get adjusted to being both the mayor and the defender of Star City, Felicity recommends he assembles another team. When Tobias Church enters the scene, Oliver understands the best thing for the city may be another group of superheroes. All while, the flashbacks take us to Russia where Oliver goes head to head against the Bratva.
Oliver's new Team Arrow is assembled with Curtis, Wild Dog and Evelyn Sharp but the Green Arrow's preparation strategies turn out to be to much for some of them to deal with. In the interim, in the flashbacks, Oliver's introduction into the Bratva continues.
Since Oliver has his new team, they are prepared to hit the road, yet Oliver doesn't feel they are prepared. Determined Wild Dog challenges the Green Arrow's requests and sets out without anyone else after a new drug dealer, Derek Sampson, who is threatening Star City. Sampson is more powerful than Wild Dog and it is up to the Green Arrow to clash with Sampson to spare his partner.
In "Human Target," Unfortunately, not everyone is thrilled with Oliver’s decision, and Viktor takes it to another level by hiring goons to kill Oliver during the celebration. However, it appears that Anatoly has been planning for this and has hired his own specialist to make sure Oliver stays alive so that they can take Viktor down another day.
In “Vigilante,” when the corpses of two villains are dropped at SCPD, Oliver acknowledges there is another Vigilante in Star City. Vigilante is a different breed of, well, vigilante. He’s not what most would describe as a hero. His methods are extreme, even by the standards of Oliver “Killing is back on the table” Queen. He doesn’t seem to mind terribly if innocent civilians are caught in the crossfire. And he clearly doesn’t need any training from the Green Arrow. Diggle gets baffled with his new circumstance and Thea battles for Lance who admits a stunning mystery. In the meantime, in the flashbacks, Oliver at long last takes a seat with Konstantin Kovar.Oliver awakens on a ship, in a shared hallucination and being probed for intel. While the Dominators tried to find their weaknesses, Oliver, Thea, Sara Lance, John Diggle, and former business rival-turned-superhero Ray Palmer lived an alternate life where Oliver wasn’t shipwrecked on the Queen’s Gambit and left on Lian Yu. He is his cherishing life with his fiance and their wedding is coming up. Everything appears to be perfect, however Oliver begins to see little defects that influence him to scrutinize this new reality. In the interim, Felicity and the enlisted people go up against another danger with assistance from The Flash and Supergirl.
After Prometheus assaults Curtis, Oliver acknowledges Prometheus knows all of Team Arrow's mystery personalities and is hunting them one by one. Felicity and Detective Malone find a piece of information that connections Prometheus to Oliver's past. Stressed that Prometheus is correct and he is really an executioner on the most fundamental level, Oliver observes the inexplicable return of Laurel Lance. Felicity, yet reeling from Detective Malone's murder, is twisted on exact retribution - she needs to stop Prometheus at any cost. While in jail, Diggle battles for his life.
In his mission to bring down Kovar, in "Second Chances," Oliver gets assistance from a shocking source – Talia al Ghul but when she uncovers what she needs from him in return, Oliver isn't sure he needs her help. Meanwhile, Felicity proceeds to hack the NSA to help free Diggle yet when her online endeavors are hailed, she goes head to head against an obscure enemy. All while, Curtis enlightens the group regarding a female vigilante, Tina Boland, who has been wreaking destruction everywhere throughout the nation.
Shortly after, a horrendous assault on City Hall triggers recollections for Rene about his family. Flashbacks uncover how Rene went from straightforward family man to a legend named Wild Dog. all while, Oliver must deal with the culprit behind the assault is as Mayor Queen rather than the Green Arrow. Pressures run high in the Arrow shelter. Before long, China White, Cupid and Liza Warner break out of Iron Heights and make a beeline for Star City for revenge. Oliver tries to find the new gang yet the ACU intervenes mid-battle. Amazingly, they are there to capture the Green Arrow for the murder of Detective Malone.
In "Fighting Fire with Fire," Oliver confronts his greatest test yet as leader. All while, Felicity proceeds with Helix and Vigilante and assaults Oliver while he's acting as the mayor so Diggle drives the group in a mission to stop Vigilante for the last time.
Prometheus puts everything on the line to break Oliver. All while more flashbacks with Anatoly winds up stressed over Oliver's violent behavior. Diggle and Felicity are stunned by Oliver's choice to approach the Bratva to help bring down Prometheus. Concerned the Bratva may go too far, Diggle has a hard discussion with Oliver about what happens if things go south. Oliver, Team Arrow, A.R.G.U.S and the SCPD commence a citywide manhunt for Adrian Chase. Helix reveals to Felicity they have an approach to discover Chase however they will require something unlawful from her.
Later, Oliver comes back to the mayor's office and confronts just another one of his problems that is begging to be addressed yet – the constrained arrival of many vicious culprits indicted by Adrian Chase.
In the season finale, “Lian Yu,” the fight amongst Oliver and Adrian Chase comes full circle in a last epic fight on Lian Yu. Oliver chooses to enroll a group of impossible partners - Slade, Nyssa, Merlyn and Digger Harkness - to vanquish Chase. Nonetheless, Chase has his own armed force - Black Siren, Evelyn Sharp and Talia al Ghul.
The season premiere of The Arrow will be on Thurs., Oct. 12 at 9 p.m. on The CW.
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