When you see the Mohawk, chinstrap beard, tats and the imposing 6 foot 8, 300 “noneofyourbusiness” pound frame of Tyrus, it is logical to assume that he is a professional wrestler. Then you learn that he is also an actor. Okay. Makes sense. Many wrestlers are. Then you discover that he is also a comedian. Okay. We can go there—he has a big cheerful smile and a rich laugh plus large handsome men can act and be funny too. Okay. But, there is a lot more. Tyrus is a breaker of stereotypes and has a full roster that goes beyond wrestling, comedy and acting.
Tyrus was born George Murdoch in Boston and had a less-than-picturesque childhood in California. However, he eventually landed a football scholarship to the University of Nebraska at Kearney. After a freak incident ended his football playing, he completed his B.S. in Education and went on to take a teaching job. He worked with special needs students by day and bounced clubs at night to pay the bills. He was also a bodyguard to many, most notably to his still-friend, Snoop Dogg. While bouncing at a club, he was spotted by a power player at WWE and his wresting career began under the name "Brodus Clay."

Tyrus, who has also been known in the ring as “The Funkasaurus,” “The Mastodon of Mayhem,” “The Super Sexy Suplex Machine” and “Tyrus Smash” can be seen in Royal Rumble (2012) and No One Lives (2012). He also voiced himself in Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery (2014). He has a recurring role on this season of Netflix’s series Glow and can be seen in upcoming films Enuattii and Super Con.
Since 2014, he has be seen on TNA Impact! Wrestling on Thursday nights. Last year, Tyrus got a new role on Fox News. After a funny and fruitful exchange on Twitter with Fox News staple Greg Gutfeld, he eventually became a regular contributor to the hit show as well as frequently featured on other Fox shows like The Five and Fox and Friends. The Greg Gutfeld Show is a comedic news show, similar in tone to The Daily Show, but with an Independent/Conservative slant and airs on Fox News on Saturday nights.
Tyrus also has a channel on YouTube where you can see some of his greatest moments in wresting and on TV, as well as some original comedic bits.
Fiercely loyal to his love, kids, colleagues and true friends, this whip smart man always has something clever, charming and poignant, often irreverent, though respectful of authority, and usually hilarious to add to any conversation. #nuffsaid
Tyrus spoke with Michelle Tompkins for TheCelebrityCafe.com about his personal and professional journey, his favorite movies and comics, the impact of his sometime Un-PC ideas, what kinds of TV shows he can’t abide and more.
TheCelebrityCafe.com: Where are you from?
Tyrus: I was born in Boston, but I grew up in California.
TCC: And can you please tell me a little bit about your childhood?
T: Yeah. My mom was 15 when she had me. And I think my biological father was 19 or something like that, so— young, he was black, she was white. He was not a very good person. She survived a couple years of abuse and stuff. And once he had turned it on me, that's what gave her the courage to get away from him. And then she moved back in with her parents and they wanted her to go to school but she just didn't think that she could go to school and raise two boys. And so I ended up— we ended up going to what basically amounts to as a foster family for a few years. There's been some argument on how long we were there between the two parties. So we did it for a couple years.
She graduated with her nursing degree, moved to California and then sent for us and then we went to California too. So not the greatest childhood, a lot of moving around, a lot of fighting, a lot of ugliness. I was introduced to racism at a very young age which isn't fun. I moved around a lot, was all over California, wherever she had a job that's where we went. She worked nights so we didn't get a lot of nighttime with her and stuff like that and eventually she remarried, did not get along with her choice of husband and eventually after a couple years of being smacked around I got tired of it and at 16, I beat him up and left home. Didn't look back, graduated from high school, got myself a scholarship in football, played some ball and that was pretty much it.
TCC: Where did you go to college?
T: I went to junior college at Antelope Valley College and then I went to transfer to the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
TCC: I heard that you wanted to originally be a teacher. What grade and subject were you most interested in being?
T: Well, I wanted to play football and I chased football for a little while. I had a freak injury. My appendix ruptured and I had to get emergency surgery and had some nerve endings cut that went down into my left leg, so I never really quite got it all the way back. I can still play arena football, but just my heart wasn't into it. So I started substitute teaching. That's what my degree was in so I started substitute teaching special needs at level 14 in California, which basically means for lack of better words children that were delayed via either their mother was addicted to crack or in prison. So at Five Acres and Sycamore, I did that for a little while. And at night I bounced clubs and stuff to make ends meet because teachers don't make very much money.
TCC: Now you're about 6'8." Is that correct?
T: Yep.
TCC: Wow. Well what are some jobs that you've had in your life?
T: It would be easier to say what I haven't done [laughter]. My first job I worked in the back of the kitchen at restaurants. I bounced nightclubs, sports, park and recs, stacked cans at Walmart at one point. I did everything I could to survive. Worked construction, body guard, taught and I've done stand-up comedy. Literally done it all, always had a job. Not that great at relationships but always had a job.
TCC: Well, you were a bodyguard for Snoop Dogg, is that correct?
T: Yes, ma'am. I sure was.
TCC: Are you guys still friendly?
T: Yeah, we actually had a bet on the Steelers-Patriots playoff game. He hasn't paid me yet so I'm assuming we're still good but he tends to hold grudges. Well, he doesn't hold grudges but I'm sure he's nursing his wound. He took the game pretty tough, we should be all right.
TCC: So you're a Patriots guy?
T: Tom Brady is the state. If you need to know anything about Tom Brady, watch Ted 2, that's an accurate depiction of Tom Brady.
TCC: Do you have any favorite stories about working with Snoop?
T: Coaching football with him was great. I won Coach of the Year, we won a championship. We coached against Mike Alstott and his All Stars in Florida. Mike Alstott was giving a speech after losing to us and he was going for a really long time and at the time David Chappelle had come out with a skit, the “Wrap it up Box.” So I started saying that under my breath, not knowing that we were being filmed. And I kept saying it and kept saying it and Snoop was dying laughing trying to keep a straight face and it ended up being on YouTube. Mike Alstott wasn't too happy about that. And our kids were like a year, couple years younger than his kids so meeting him was a pretty cool thing.
TCC: How did your wrestling career begin?
T: Wrestling was pretty much the same way as body-guarding got started. I was running a club called Saddle Ranch Chop Shop which is a famous restaurant in California at Universal Studios. And Tommy Dream, who was the head of WWE talent relations at the time, had brought some talent with him to go to the club.
What ended up happening was a fight broke out between these two little guys and they were fighting over a girl who had already left so I was in a good mood because I was a big wrestling fan. And so I told the guy to give them breaks and if they just go about their business, I'd let them stay in the club. And one of them hit me. And he was too short to hit me in the face, he hit me in the chest. And I clearly looked at him like are you kidding me? And so I clunked their two little heads together and when they hit the ground, I picked them up by the back of their pants. I call it the suitcase when you carry a guy by his belt buckle, you just kind of drag him on the floor.
And then threw them out and then Tommy Dream thought it was the greatest thing he ever saw, the way I was cracking jokes while I was carrying him. I wish you'd do that on TV and I was like yeah right. And I'd always been a smart a** and always doing stuff and I didn't think like I'd fit the mold for movies and stuff so about three months later he called me back and said they liked my look and wanted to give me a tryout and I was like I can't believe this and I went from there.
TCC: Are you still wrestling now?
T: I wrestle for TNA [Total Nonstop Action Wrestling]. In fact, I just finished taping Thursday nights on Fox TV.
TCC: Now, how is it decided who's the good guy versus who's the heel?
T: I mean, magicians don't tell their tricks, neither do wrestlers. But usually the fans kind of dictate or just personality, stuff like that. You watch the show. It kind of forms itself. Sometimes you start out as a villain and they love you. Basically wrestling is just a super hyper version of your personality. Just if you're a d**k, [laughter] people are going to see it, and they're not going to like you. And if you're likable, they're going to like you. So it just kind of depends on you. You could try to be -- you could make the guy be the nicest guy in the world, but if when you talk people just kind of shrug their shoulders like, "why is this guy talking?" They're going to hate him. So fans kind of determine who does what.
TCC: Now what drew you towards The Greg Gutfeld Show?
T: Twitter. Greg and I had a few back and forth on Twitter and I always thought Greg was always kind of down the middle. Funny guy. His wit --I was always impressed by his wit. I thought that we have a similar kind of mindset and he invited me on the show. So I did the show, and then he invited me back. I was like, "Great." He just kept inviting me back and then the next thing I know, our show is starting to get hot. We're starting to get ratings and stuff. I was proud to be a part of that. And then, next thing I know, he's like, "I think you need to become a Fox contributor." I was like, "wow, really?" And I got a contract with Fox, which was great. And now I'm doing The Greg Gutfeld Show every week, plus I'm doing Fox and Friends. I'm doing The Five. Various other shows. Just getting a real chance to really get by. I'm an independent conservative, which I think most people kind of are if they really think about it. And then at the same time very sarcastic and I call it like I see it. I don't really follow any one thing blindly. So that has just been a tremendous opportunity and a chance to use my wit, improv and get the opportunity to be a comedian. Because a lot of time being a comedian means go big and stuff. They just don't -- like yeah right, whatever. You're too big to make me laugh and I'm like, "that's not fair." So this way I get a platform, get a little knowledge and crack some jokes. And it's just been a really -- It's been a great ride. Greg has been so supportive and he really has just no ego. And I'm really appreciative that he gave me the opportunity.
TCC: Now please tell me about The Greg Gutfeld Show for some of our readers who have never seen it before.
T: We look at politics and try to break it down to its little points and take some of the seriousness out of it. Now obviously not every day you can make a joke about not everything you should. But it's basically just -- it's like the Bill Maher for Liberals and there's Jon Stewart still for Liberals, but there really hasn't been a Conservative, down to earth or comedy show for Conservatives or Independents or not necessarily anti-everything Republican. We're more kind of down the middle. So just a more independent of an approach. We can have both sides of an argument and be able to laugh about it and part as friends without it being screaming and yelling matches.
TCC: One of my favorite bits of yours kind of rivals Chris Rock's “How Not to Get Your Ass Kicked by the Police” bit. It is your bit on compliance with the police.
T: Here's the thing. I have been on the wrong side of it quite a bit. And growing up in L.A. and being a big guy and working in clubs, I definitely have had my issues with the police but I've known in a few situations I was in the wrong. Like I said, there's always going to be an exception, so people are absolutists and everything is black and white, but I have found that every situation that I was in, I would be compliant and non-resistant has served me well. And my size alone is intimidating. And when I step out of a car it's not the average. The average police officer is going to be like, "Oh, oh shit, this is a big huge guy." I'm not just a big guy. I'm a jacked big guy, which is even more intimidating, and so I find it well being compliance and just follow directions.
And again when you're pulled over by police and you're wrong, that's not the time to show out. There's a perfect example, is like in the hood if somebody's tripping and have a gun, you're going to be, "Alright bro, don't shoot bro," and you're going to say whatever you want to say so you can walk away from that party in that house or the drama without getting your a** shot. Well if you're a compliant citizen, it's the same with the police department, you're not going to have issues.
Again, there's always an exception. Things go wrong, and they shouldn't. And there's bad cops, but there's also a lot of bad people. And resisting arrest and all the non-compliance doesn't make you necessarily Rosa Parks, it makes you a criminal. They have a right to investigate. They have the right to ask questions. So if I know I didn't do anything wrong and I have my driver’s license and my insurance in my car and my registration, I'm going to go home that night.
But if I don't have those things, or I have a warrant, or I am drinking and driving, or I am doing something I'm not supposed to do and they find out, I'm going to get arrested. And that's not the place to try to fight that. I think like I said, there's this mindset that that's crazy, but be compliant. Don't put yourself in situations that's going to result in it being a physical arrest or a chance for police brutality. Again, there's exceptions and there's wrong situations, but 90 percent of the time when you look at those things, it's usually on the person being arrested. But they decided to be non-compliant and because they don't want to go to jail. But it's better to go to jail than to end up with a bullet in your back. So it's a tough situation because respecting the police -- like I said when I was younger I always did stuff, I was always on the wrong side of it quite a bit. I was also places I shouldn't have been, hanging around people I probably shouldn't have been hanging around. And so I ended up sitting on the curb in handcuffs a few times and having to answer questions, but because I was compliant and answered the questions, I went home that night. So on like I said, there's situations where you just scratch your head. How could this happen? But there's most the time, most of the time, it's usually on the person who's being investigated. Decided he didn't want to be arrested or didn't want to be forthwith. Which ends in a bad situation.
TCC: Now, have you ever gotten trouble on the basis of your independent political comments?
T: Yeah, there's always going to have— you know, like I said, I have to deal with, one of the things that sucks about having opinion and not necessarily going with, "I base my opinions off of the way I feel about stuff." A lot of times my ethnicity and my pride in being a black man is always trying to be stripped away for me in an argument if someone doesn't agree with me. Like if I say, "I respect the office." I don't necessarily agree with everything Donald Trump does, of course not. I'm not a puppet, you know. But I respect the office. And a lot of the times, "Oh, oh he's an Uncle Tom because he respects the office." No fool. I just respect the office; country first and party second. And a lot of times that's their only argument, you know. They don't do anything, they don't vote, they talk trash. And I had to deal with that a little bit on Twitter, but that's neither here nor there. And I find that other people in my situation, their ethnicity is never called into question when they have a different political view than somebody else. So I hate that aspect of it.
TCC: Where do you live now?
T: Probably, I'd say I live in New Orleans.
TCC: Okay. I would have thought New York?
T: Nope. I commute.
TCC: You said you commute from Louisiana to New York for work?
T: Yeah, no desire to live in New York. Giant buildings and it's cold and I'm a big Patriot, Red Sox's fan. What can I possibly do for fun in New York? [laughter]
TCC: Well what are some your favorite movies and TV shows?
T: Favorite movies? Man, we could've done the whole interview off that. I'm a movie buff. My favorite movie of all time? Oh man, that's a crazy question. Empire Strikes Back, The Godfather, Scarface, The Black Stallion, I love a good western, Aliens, the sequel is probably my favorite sci-fi movie, I love Crows is another one. Anything Richard Pryor did back when he was calling the shots [laughter], actually The Toy wasn't too bad, he was in it with Jackson Lee, that probably wasn't too bad.
TCC: I actually even like Brewster's Millions.
T: Yeah, I just think once he started getting sick and stuff then— but yeah he was greatest comedian of all time so, as we like to say he could make chicken salad out of about anything so. Brewster's Millions wasn't bad and John Candy was good in that, another one of my favorites. I always seem to forget movies— An American Werewolf in London is my favorite horror movie, not really a musical guy. I don't really think it's fair that if it's a musical all of a sudden you should get an Academy Award, I'm over that, just beaten to death, yeah I get it. Every time anything has singing in it it's automatically up for a major award I just think that's crazy. I believe Color Purple definitely should have won the Academy Award, no one remembers Out of Africa, so I think growing up that's the biggest scandal in Hollywood I remember.
TCC: No, I remember that snubbing of Spielberg and everyone else.
T: I mean literally if you said, Out of Africa, they'd be like, huh. The Color Purple is one of my favorite movies.
TCC: You watch a lot of TV?
T: I binge watch a lot of stuff. I travel so much, like wire watch. So I definitely watch a lot of TV.
TCC: What's your favorite food and restaurant?
T: Any place that has veal parm.
TCC: Do you attend Comic Cons regularly?
T: When invited, yes. I get all or most of my comic book stuff on Amazon.
TCC: Are you a DC or Marvel guy?
T: I'm a Marvel guy. I'm a whole guy all day. I love what they did with the Dark Knight series. I just think DC needs more comic book guys re-directing the movies and I think it would be a lot better. Stop telling the whole story in one movie. Please.
TCC: Excuse me?
T: Please stop telling Superman, Batman, cut his face, everybody would have been happy, you don't break in, just draw him in, 20 feet like, no [laughter].
TCC: Are you friendly with any of the other wrestlers turned move stars like John Cena or The Rock, or anyone like that?
T: I trained at Cena's gym, I wouldn't say we're friends, we both have a mutual respect. We both have conversations whenever we see each other. Like I said we are respectful, so there's a brotherhood there. Dwyane and I have always— we're cool. I wouldn't say that— again, we’re definitely not friends, but a “hi and bye” if I see him. We have a family connection so it's all right it's cool whatever, but I have a lot of friends with my group, we're a very close fit group.
Bobby Lashley and I are friends, the list goes on. It's a brotherhood, everybody's supportive and everybody wants to see everybody doing well. I think a lot of people are surprised how things are going for me, I got two movies that come out this year I'm excited about, comedies with Mike Epps and John Malkovich and you can't say his name without saying his whole name, John Malkovich. Just being in the same space as him is crazy. Yeah that's super cool, that's going to be really fun. I'm excited about that one and then I got a movie that comes out soon and then I got a Netflix series that I got a couple guest appearances in.
TCC: Which Netflix series?
T: Glow.
TCC: Okay. Great.
T: Yup, so I'm excited about that and just keeping it busy.
TCC: Now, you seem to like video games an awful lot. I've got to tease you and ask, what's the fascination between men and their video games?
T: Competition. Combat. That never goes away.
TCC: Do you have a favorite game?
T: Oh, yeah. Right now, NBA 2K is my favorite game. I'll run it until— I'll collect five years in that season before I'll even switch it.
TCC: Now, you seem to have such a great rapport with Greg Gutfield and also Kat Timpf. Can you please tell me a little bit about them?
T: Kat is very sarcastic and we just seem to have a natural love of negativity. And Greg is just super wit and so we just kind of bounce off each other. Greg loves improv, he loves calling it out there, he seems to get my humor. There's no ego, which is always great. Everybody wants everybody to do well. And we all support each other.
TCC: I love it when you pick them up.
T: Yeah, I absolutely do that.
TCC: Do you still do stand-up?
T: Yeah. I just haven’t had a lot of time, but I'd definitely get back on that. Yeah. It's something I want to do more. One of my goals, my vision is to do a big stand-up gig at some point.
TCC: Can we find anything you've written somewhere?
T: I have a lot of things I haven't finished yet. I wrote a book called Done With It. It's about not having a father growing up, but you don't know you're supposed to have one. So it's like a funny look at some of the things you'd do without a [male] like almost choke yourself to death trying to tie a knot, things like that. Trying to figure out how to shave. I still don't think I got that quite right.
TCC: So you have things in progress, but not completed yet.
T: Yeah. And then I got a bunch of stuff on YouTube, sketches and stuff. More sketches and stuff that I came up with myself. So I always have a lot of ideas.
TCC: What do like to do for fun?
T: Oh man. Lift weights and fish tanks. Love fishing if I get a chance to. Yeah, but lifting weights is about the funnest thing in the world.
TCC: Now are you comfortable with a couple questions about your personal life?
T: Sure.
TCC: Are you married?
T: Nope
TCC: In a relationship?
T: Yeah, I'm a little out of the market.
TCC: Do you have kids?
T: Yep, two. I just keep my personal life very private because I have small children who I want to remain children. If you look at my social media stuff and this is something you can actually print, I think it's important to separate work and your personal life. I don't think -- not everybody -- not every stranger should know every part of your life, you know? There's parts of your life that I think you should enjoy and is yours. And because I've spent so much time of my life on the road and grew up basically without a family, I'm very protective of mine. There's just a lot of people out there that I wouldn't want to be able to walk up to my kids or my relationship and be like, "Oh hey, such-and-such blah blah blah," because there's just people -- social media and the internet gives people a lot of access to your personal life.
And I'm not going to help strangers, especially when you're on a political show and you're saying things and you're making stances on stuff, for every person that applauds you, there's somebody that hates you for it. And we're living in a world now where attacking, not you, but trying to hurt a family member, or especially when you're 6'8" and you're a big strong guy, chances are they don't want to walk up and want to punch you, but they damn sure might walk up and say something rude to your fiancee at a supermarket, or harass your kids and stuff like that. So I just avoid that as much as I possibly can. If you're in my circle, then you know everything about me. If you're not in my circle, then you shouldn't.
TCC: Makes perfect sense. A person I recently interviewed shut down all of their social media because trolls were attacking their family.
T: Yeah. So why open yourself up to that? And some people are like, "Oh, well you know your kids could be on TV." If one of my children comes up to me and goes, "Dad, I want to be an actor," or something like that, then we'll look at it. But I hate reality TV shows. I just don't think there's much to them. You never see anybody getting an Academy Award after being in a reality TV show. I think it shows the worst in people. And then you get situations where -- [and it's a perfect example] I can't believe they just did the thing I saw a commercial recently for the Honey Boo-Boo family to be back on TV and I'm like, "How is that even possible." That they would let somebody who had a pedophile on the show around their children be back on TV. And because they gave her surgeries and all this stuff. It's not like she went and worked and got on a great diet and changed her life around or whatever. Somebody paid for a bunch of surgeries and stuff for her to be back on TV.
I mean, at some point, I get trash TV has its place, but it just sends the wrong message to kids and to women. You know? You don't need a bunch of surgeries and face lifts to be beautiful. What you do need is to take care of yourself, understand good diets and things like that, and learn from your mistakes and stuff. Not be rewarded because you did liquid dieting and got a stomach wrap and skin removal I just think that's such a bad message. I'd rather watch static than a reality TV show. I think the Kardashians are horrible for girls, so unrealistic. If you saw what they really looked like before all the plastic surgeries, tummy tucks, the wraps around, what are those things they wear around their stomach to make themselves look skinny? Butt implants, face implants, all of that just to be on TV to complain about, "Oh, I'm having such a horrible week, I don't know what dress to wear." That's not real problems [laughter]. Let's look at real stuff, America. Not knowing what color of shade is in your pool house or somebody wrote a bad text or tweet about you are not real problems.
Finding ways to pay your bills, electric bills, missed meals, real bullying at school. That's real problems. Not like, "Oh man, I need to have more followers on my Facebook page." That's not real stuff. I can't wait for people to start realizing that that's not what's real and we need to get away from that. There, I got off my soapbox.
TCC: No, no, it's fine. It's an important message. Are there any charities that you're actively involved with?
T: Save the Dolphins. Huge supporter of that. Blackfish Project. I'll be happy when all killer whales are no longer incarcerated, allowed to be back in the ocean with their families. I think that would be great. St. Jude's is amazing. We should all donate, great message, never heard anything bad thing about them. American Red Cross, very supportive of that. And those are the ones that I actively donate to.
TCC: Now when did you change your name from George to Brodus Clay and then Tyrus?
T: Okay, well, George was the name that I was given by my family. But WWE, the way it works is that you've got to come up with a character name. And they retain all the rights to that. So when my time was up with them, I'd have five ... for them or get permission to use it. And I wanted to make a fresh start, and a new name, and a whole new identity. And I think I've done that. WWE came up with Tyrus, which I think is a great name. Because again, I'm just not a big fan of putting my real stuff out there. I like having Tyrus as what you see on TV. That's who I am. And I don't even get called George anymore. I only probably get called George anymore when I'm in trouble. So Tyrus just kind of came from there.
TCC: Do your friends and family call you Tyrus, or do they call you something else?
T: I don't have any contact with my family at all. Pretty much all my experiences with family -- only time they come around is when you get a paycheck. So I just wish them well, but our lives are different and don't look back.
TCC: So sorry for that, but you don't seem to be too bothered by it, so...
T: I don't faze at all. I wouldn't be me if it wasn't for them. So I’m good, but I've moved on and I'm sure they have too. So that's probably another reason why I go by Tyrus. That way I don't have to worry anymore about any Murdoch’s complaining. And my friends have been -- I've been at the same circle of friends since I was 20 years old, so, you know, there. We lift weights, we watch movies, and I probably pick up the check a little more than they do, but gladly do it because they've been my support system.
TCC: Now, could you please tell me the names of your movies on the Netflix again so I can make sure that people look for them?
T: Yeah, well the first thing I did was called No One Lives, and no one lived. And then I did Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania movie, and then I shot Supercon, which comes out sometime later this year, and Enuattii comes out later this year, and I have the Netflix series, and of course you can catch me on Impact Wrestling on Thursday nights on Pop TV, and of course, Fox News. I'm all over there. And The Greg Gutfeld Show is Saturday night, 10 p.m. eastern.
TCC: Now what's next up for you after all this?
T: Hopefully a cool retirement. Get a rotary phone, throw my cell phone out the window. Let my other half make all the money and I'll just chill, maybe become one of those apron-wearing home dads or something. That'd be cool. Have a bunch of dogs and be that guy that nobody wants to talk to. That'd be cool.
TCC: "Get off the porch, you kids." [laughter]
T: Yeah, like, "Hey, don't touch my grass or my bloodhounds will get you" [laughter].
TCC: Now is there a message you'd like your fans to know about you?
T: Just keep it 100 and have fun. And hard work always pays off. "Oh you've never been arrested," "Oh, you'll never do this," "Oh, you'll never do that." So.
TCC: Now is #nuffsaid your catch phrase or is it someone else's?
T: Yeah. It has been for a really long time.
TCC: So I will make sure to hashtag you with that.
T: Yep. Because I will find it.
TCC: How should the fans connect with you?
T: I'll hit them back. Oh. Twitter @PlanetTyrus or Instagram tyrussmash, and I'm pretty accessible. If you hit me typically I'll hit you back and stuff, unless you're a troll I might go in on you and just block you.
TCC: You're a lot of fun to watch.
T: Oh, thank you very much.
Tyrus can be seen on Thursdays on TNA, as well as on The Greg Gutfeld Show on Saturdays and you can follow him here.
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