Poor Tyrion. Stuck in Meereen and he can’t find anyone to play a drinking game with. Missandei and Grey Worm don’t drink wine, and they seemed to have trouble grasping the concept that playing a game is a good way to get to know people and have fun. He likes to play seer and try to deduce the past actions of his company. The truth is, Tyrion is rarely good at this game.
Actually, it depends on your point of view. He is usually wrong, so he always drinks more than his companions, but as it is Tyrion, that may be the intended strategy. Watching Game of Thrones can be a full contact sport. Many people do not like watching it alone and viewing parties, or at least informal get-togethers are common. Taking a page from Tyrion, a drinking game may be an interesting way to amp up the conversation, have some laughs and get tipsy with wild abandon. It is a shame that Thrones runs on Sundays as drinking with gusto may not be the best idea before a work week, but it happens anyway.
Note: it doesn’t necessarily have to be a drinking alcohol game if that doesn’t work for your companions. The consequences could be something like having to stand up and spin around 5 times when something specific happens, maybe do 10 jumping jacks, a sadist may suggest running up and down the stairs as a punishment, or perhaps if drinking booze is a no-go, maybe sipping something less palatable like sipping vinegar or pickle juice, or if you want to treat your guests with kindness, rather than punish them, consider offering a piece of candy when they win a challenge? Nah…These games can be adapted to non-drinkers, but for most of us, the drinking is part of the fun.

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