'NCIS' recap- 'Family First'

When NCIS returned for the season finale, the team were still watching news footage of the mortar attack that hit former Mossad Director Eli David’s farmhouse, where their former co-worker Ziva was believed to be staying. When the reporter said a survivor had been found, Tony was ready to go to Israel. Tim stated he already had a ticket reserved for Tel Aviv.

Gibbs and the Director spoke about the events and Vance had confirmed with Mossad that Ziva had been living at the farmhouse. Afterwards, Gibbs went to check on Emily and Fornell. With everything happening, Gibbs had called his therapist, Grace, to come keep an eye on Emily, much to the young girl’s chagrin.

Back at the office, everyone was still trying to find Kort when Vance came down with a stoic expression.

At his apartment, Tony got ready to leave while his father stayed at his side. When the doorbell rang, Tony thought it was his ride to the airport. But it was Abby and Tim and the looks on their faces told Tony why they were there, especially when Tim said they got the call. Ziva was dead. Tony could barely hold back tears as Abby hugged him.

Ducky, Jimmy and Ellie were in autopsy waiting for permission to begin Jessica Terdei’s autopsy. Tim came in and told them Tony wanted Trent Kort dead.

Tony came back to the office and was overcome when he saw Ziva’s old desk, even picturing her smiling at him. When Gibbs asked why he was there, a heartbroken Tony lashed out and said they needed to do the work to find Kort and bring justice. Senior came in to urge his son to come home with him. Eventually, Tony agreed and his dad took him home.

In MTAC, the team, plus Monroe and Reeves, talked to INTERPOL, who were working to find Kort. In addition, Ellie decided to check with the NSA for possible chatter from Kort to anyone overseas.

Gibbs walked to the memorial wall and stared at Ziva’s agent ID badge. Tim came over to him and they shared a moment where Tim reminded Gibbs of a statement he made when he was first hired. The answer to a question about an agent’s drive to do the work was “Get it done.” They were determined to get Kort for Fornell and for Ziva.

The team discovered Kort had hired a man named Ghazi Farsoun to do the attack that killed Ziva. They also deduced that Kort never even left the United States in the first place. Tony came in after a call from the director and discovered the news. He went up to meet with the Director and the Director of Mossad. She gave her condolences, even though Tony wasn’t really in the mood for pleasantries. She informed him she was there for another reason and it was because he had a daughter. Ziva had a baby girl named Tali who had survived the blast.

Tony and the Director spoke about little Tali, who slept in a stroller. He found out that Ziva had not wanted to disrupt his own life, but had wanted to tell him about Tali. Tony was trying to grasp everything when the rest of his team came in wanting to meet Tali.

Ducky told Gibbs he was unable to get anything from the autopsy on Jessica Terdei and spoke of his concern for Tony.

After visiting a sleeping Emily at the hospital, Gibbs spoke to Grace who tried to get him to talk about how he felt. But Gibbs didn’t know exactly what to say and left when he got a phone call.

Back at his apartment, Tony played with Tali, who was enjoying playtime with him as he struggled to get used to everything going on around hi.

In the lab, Abby and Reeves were able to find footprints outside Gibbs’ house belonging to Kort had nuclear material. They may be able to determine where Kort had been.

The team found some optional facilities to search and Clayton thought it was possible Jacob Scott could help. While they worked, at the apartment, Jimmy helped Tony feed Tali and made Tony think about what his priorities were now that he had Tali in his life.

Gibbs visits Fornell at the hospital, who has woken up and just seen his toenails, which his daughter painted. Fornell told Gibbs Kort shot him, finding out that they already knew. Fornell may be awake, but he will have a long road to recovery.

In the interview room, Scott told Tim and Clayton about an old contact he had who knew about nuclear intel. They were both acquainted with Kort but Scott can only remember his name was Edgar. Tim got a call from Tony and left to see him at the park.

While walking with Tali, Tim gave Tony updates on the case and asked about his relationship with Ziva, wondering if they had always been dating. He said they had a connection and, obviously with Tali in existence, a “fond farewell.” Tim assured the new father he would call him once they had news.

Reeves and Abby were able to determine the nuclear material from Kort came from an experimental type and they found one research center where a head researcher there was named Edgar Polk.

When NCIS arrived, they discovered a gunman had arrived and taken a hostage. Surveillance showed Kort had Edgar and Monroe was able to read lips to see Kort was taking him where the files were, at Edgar’s son’s house.

Back with Tony, Senior and Tali, Tony was having a hard time being called daddy and didn’t think Tali knew who he was. But then when they saw a photo from Tali’s go bag, he realized she probably saw it, especially when she points and says “Imah” for mom and “Aba” for dad. Tony shows Tali the Star of David necklace her mom left for her and put it around her neck, giving it to her now. He got the call from Tim that they had Kort and asked if he was on his way.

At the house, Kort began taking the files as Edgar lay on the floor bound and gagged. Kort set fire to the house, but rushed off when he realized NCIS was there. They took off on a foot chase and Clayton stopped him, but was hit with a rock.

The entire team held Kort at gunpoint and Tony showed up. Kort claimed he didn’t know Ziva would be in the farmhouse, but Tony didn’t care. Kort began to draw his weapon, but the entire team unloaded their weapons on him, killing him instantly.

At some point, Tony visits Gibbs in the basement and tells him how having Tali has made him rethink what he wants to do. He planned on taking Tali to Israel to search for answers before taking her to Paris. Gibbs hugged his co-worker and friend, giving him a warm pat on the head.

At work while a voiceover of Tony reciting his NCIS pledge is heard, Tony handed in his badge and gun to Director Vance before leaving to say goodbye to the rest of his team, including Ducky and Jimmy.

In the elevator at work, Abby told Tony she knew in her heart Ziva loved him, especially as Ziva told her. She told him how much she would miss him before they hugged.

Next, Tony said goodbye to Tim, to whom he passed on the role of “Very Special Agent” before hugging Ellie goodbye.

After watching him leave, Tim and Ellie were approached for help in doing paperwork for the case they just had to go through. The two agreed before Gibbs interrupted to tell them to “Grab your gear.”


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