'Jane The Virgin' recap- 'Chapter Forty-Four'

Jane The Virgin aired its season finale and left us on plenty of cliffhangers for you to get through the summer! For now, Jane was preparing for her big day and had always wanted it to be as perfect as the store of her grandmother’s wedding. The family was busy preparing for the big day, even Jane’s dad, who was going Dadzilla as he made sure final details were prepared.

Jane was worried when Michael forgot to change their hotel reservations for the honeymoon, so he promised to work on that. Meanwhile, Rafael dealt with the news his sister was returning, but was interrupted by a text from Jane. Rushing over to their room, Rafael was pleasantly surprised to see Mateo’s first steps.

Rafael thought about the wedding and imagined Jane could still love him, but she was actually preparing to leave to go talk to her advisor about changing her thesis.

After talking to his boss at work, Michael and Susanna talked about who the possible mole was in the department. Soon, the subject turned to Luisa, who was with Susanna waiting in the car and wanted to come to the wedding. Michael agreed to ask Jane since the relationship was very weird to begin with due to the artifical insemination.

Rogelio continued to be the father-of-the-bridezilla, even making shushing noises toward Xo and Alba as he was on the phone and they planned the seating. While he was on the phone, Xo got a basket from Esteban. She admitted to her mother that she slept with him but didn’t want Rogelio to know.

Getting a call from Jane, Xo was distracted as they talked about her thesis on their way to the rehearsal. After the call, Xo noticed Rogelio in the room as he found out about the basket.

Everyone arrived for rehearsal, but things took a turn for the worse when Jane realized how much money Michael spent for a new room, Xo and Rogelio fought over her sleeping with Esteban, and Mateo inadvertently caused the Priest to bang his head on a table.

After apologizing to the Father, Jane calmly told her parents they could kill each other after her wedding, but not before and Michael apologized for not talking to her before he made the reservations.

Meanwhile at her suite, Anezka and Petra were taking care of the twins, with Anezka assuring Petra it was likely Rafael would want her. In his own apartment, Rafael spoke to Luisa, who really wanted to be better and assured him she was happier now with Susanna. When he talked about his feelings for Jane, Luisa told him to let go.

Spending time together before the wedding day, Alba admitted to Xo and Jane that she actually did not have a good wedding. One woman knew Alba had sex before marriage and declared it in front of everyone, causing Mateo and Alba to escape. Even though it had been a disaster, they still got married.

Jane and Michael began talking over e-mail and the phone about the major things they needed to discuss before marriage. While standing on the balcony, Jane was oblivious as Rafael watched her.

The next morning as Alba helped her get ready, Jane got an idea for a new thesis she wanted to do. Calling Professor Donaldson, Jane learned that she could come to the committee and present her argument for changing her thesis. After making sure Michael was okay with it, Jane rushed off and tried to hide the fact she was getting married to a suspicious advisor.

Luckily for Jane, the committee liked her new idea and she got some help getting into her wedding dress before trying to leave with Rogelio. Unfortunately, his car died after he let it run for too long so they had to take a city bus back to the church.

Upon arriving, Jane saw Mateo with Rafael and gushed over how adorable Mateo looked. Rafael watched and was ready to admit his feelings, but seeing how happy she was, he decided to keep quiet.

The wedding began and everything went perfectly. Michael even said his vows in Spanish, which he had received help from Alba. After the ceremony, Jane had a strange daydream that the choir was telling her to now go have sex.

While the wedding party went off without a hitch, including a song from Bruno Mars himself, Petra went home to be with Anezka and the twins. She even got to see Elsa laugh when she began crying about not getting married again.

Michael, Rogelio and Jerry from work talked and when Michael learned he was from the same city as Susanna, he brought it up and Jerry suggested he say “Roll tide” to her and she’d know what to say.

While Rogelio and Jane have an epic father and daughter dance, at the hotel, Petra is trying to get Anna to laugh when the night nurse discovers Anezka is unconscious.

At the wedding, Susanna and Luisa talk, where Luisa mentions wanting to have sex, but Susanna kept putting it off. In another part of the reception, Xo and Rogelio talk about how they are still in different places before dancing.

Rafael and Petra are at the hospital where the doctor tells them that Anezka has been paralyzed. Petra asks to be alone with her, but then we find out she is not Petra. Anezka had stabbed Petra with a needle and changed her look to take her place.

Michael and Jane go to the hotel to get ready to go to a Motel 6 when Michael gives her a snowglobe, representing how they had first kissed in the snow. As she gets ready for their special night, he leaves to get ice from the hallway.

Back at the hotel themselves, “Petra” makes a move on Rafael and they begin to have sex.

In her own room, Xo, who has been feeling dizzy and nauseous, was horrified when she took a pregnancy test and it came back positive.

Before Michael could get back to his room, he saw Susanna and after talking, he said “Roll tide” to her. But when she failed to get the right response back, he realized she was the mole and confronted her. As Jane was preparing in the hotel room, she accidentally dropped the snowglobe just as Susanna pulled a gun on Michael and shot him in the chest.

Meanwhile, Susanna went back to the room with Luisa and calmly took off a face mask to reveal she was Rose and that their love story was not over and that it was time to leave.


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