With terror in her eyes, Grace realizes that Pete has been helping the red-deviled caper, but the string of murders serves the purpose of bringing Kappa House down.
Is Grace any better than Pete by trying to poison Dean Munsch then?
“I did this for you!” Pete shoots back at Grace when she discovers that Pete killed the twins, Rodger and Dodger.

Grace calls Pete a serial murderer despite him recalling it was her idea to play by Kappa rules to bring the sorority house down. Because Pete wanted to end this once and for all, he was the one who killed Boone in that pivotal scene when Gigi thought the red-deviled caper was going to turn on her.
Except that did not stop Pete from hitting Chanel with a crossbow for self-defense, so he says.
However, Pete explains to Grace in a flashback that Chanel had tricked him into thinking she liked him by luring him to act out her fantasy fetish only for the Chanel squad to come out to laugh at him.
By threatening to leave, Grace gets Pete to reveal that one of her Kappa sisters is one of the other killers, but which one?
Just when Pete wants to tell Grace, the red-deviled caper pounces from the closet to stab Pete. Unfazed by it, Grace defends herself and attempts to unmask the killer.
Elsewhere in Chanel's room, the queen bee is furious as she pounds away on her keyboard sending a long rant to her sorority sisters for leaving her high and dry when she had concocted a plan to kill Dean Munsch. None of the Kappa sisters showed up.
That's not the problem now as the audience discover that not only has Chanel sent that email to Kappa House, she has sent it to everyone.
Dying inside from her mistake, Chanel tries to kill herself with a snake like Cleopatra as Zayday finds her in her room wallowing.
When Zayday convinces Chanel to join forces with her, that's when the red-deviled caper appears to deliver a bomb in the form of a pizza delivery guy.
Hoping to get to the bottom of this, Grace and Zayday come to the obvious conclusion that Hester is the red-deviled killer, but when Hester's body lies in the Chanel closet, Hester with a heel stuck to her eye points to a surprising member of the Chanel squad.

Flash forward to January 2016 when Zayday is the president of Kappa House, Grace is second in command, and surprise...surprise...Hester is the treasurer.
Hester's story comes to fruition as to how she resided with Boone and Gigi in the asylum and how she retained that infamous neck brace!
Back to present time, Hester reemerges with an eyepatch and real parents, even though Zayday recognizes the father as an actor.
Unfortunately, Chanel #5 isn't so lucky with her parents popping up to disown her. To add to the disaster in the Kappa House, Hester points out Chanel #3 as the other killer.
The reveal that Chanel #3 still keeps in contact with her biological father, Charles Manson, seals the fate for the earmuff-sporting Chanel.
Next, Hester accuses Chanel Oberlin as the last killer, but will Hester get away with murder?
Thoughts to Ponder For This Season:
- Did you have any disappointments about the season?
- Who were you hoping to be the killer?
- Any new pledges that will look suspicious to you next season?
- How did you like the throwback music in the finale?
- Are you surprised that the Chanels liked the asylum better than expected?
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