Evan Rachel Wood made headlines around the world when she was engaged to rock legend Marilyn Manson and later when she married Fantastic Four's Jamie Bell. Now Wood, who is about to celebrate her 28th birthday, is looking back on how those relationships changed her and helped her become the woman she is today.
Manson and Wood started dating in 2006 and got engaged in 2010. Following her relationship with Manson, Wood married Bell in 2012 and the couple split in 2014.
During an interview with NET-A-PORTER.com The Edit, Wood explained that she thought she was in love with Manson early on in their relationship. "I wasn’t doing it to prove a point or be rebellious. I wanted to break a mold for sure — I knew I was edgier, more alternative, and weird. And [Marilyn] was just what I needed, because I felt really free with him. And that freedom was attractive," explained Wood.
The couple had a long on and off relationship that ended with them separating back in 2010. "I wouldn’t trade any of [our relationship]," said Wood. "I appreciate everything he taught me. I just don’t think we were right for each other."
It was after dating Manson that Wood married Bell, the couple split in 2014 but Wood still considerers Bell to be the love of her life.
Image courtesy of INFphoto.com
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