Top 10 sports Twitter accounts to follow

Twitter and sports figures do not usually go hand in hand, but for the few that can truly master the art of the tweet it can be a place where they can let their fans see what they are like off of the field, court, or ice.

If you are a person who likes sports and spends time on twitter, then some of the following ten people and teams should be of no surprise to you.

This list was thought of after Joel Embid started his conquering of twitter while trying to lure LeBron James to Embid’s new team the Philadelphia 76ers. He could have stopped there, but he moved on to Kim Kardashian by trying to get her on a date. When that failed he moved on to Rihanna and posted a series of tweets and photos of her in his 76ers jersey.

In honor of Embid’s attempt at getting some of the biggest starts, here is a list of the top sports twitters to follow.

[ new page =@JoseCanseco ]

10. @JoseCanseco

Jose Canesco brings a somewhat philosophical take on the world to twitter. But, he also brings a hilarious side that you might not expect from a former professional Athlete.

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9. @ATLHawks

The Hawks twitter account likes to bring both their fans and fans from around the NBA into the action. They constantly are playing hashtag games where they make up a hashtag to use in a tweet, then fans tweet back at them.

[ new page =@RSherman_25/@RealPeterson21]

8. @RSherman_25/@RealPeterson21

This might be the best twitter feud that is ongoing. These two are the two best cornerbacks in the NFL. They both think they are the best and the constantly go back and forth at each other.

[ new page =@BizNasty2point0]

7. @BizNasty2point0

Hockey player Paul Bissonnette easily has the greatest twitter handle in twitter history, @BizNasty2point0. He bring in popular sports culture and spins them into something funny

[ new page =@Buccigross ]

6. @Buccigross

John Buccigross is far and away the best sportcaster twitter. He constantly retweets people wearing his #Bucciovertimechallange shirt and he shows you have down to earth he is both on the set of Sportscenter and in his personal life.

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5. @LAKings

The Los Angeles Kings twitter account is the perfect amount of snarky playfulness and professionalism you should see from a sports franchise. Since 2012, @LAKings has been making fun of every franchise and many players throughout the NHL season. They never fail to disappoint.

[ new page =@DAVIDprice14]

4. @DAVIDprice14

One of the best MLB twitters, Price brings you into his life in a comedic way.

[ new page =@MettaWorldPeace]

3. @MettaWorldPeace

The recent surge in Panda tweets move Metta World Peace up the list. He should have some interesting tweets coming up next year while he is playing in China.

[ new page =@JoelEmbid]

2. @JoelEmbid

If there were an award for Twitter rookie of the year, Joel Embid would far and away be the favorite. In just a short amount of time he has become the person to follow if you want a good laugh. First, he tried to lure LeBron to Philadelphia, then he tried to get Kim Kardashian on a date an then moved on to Rihanna.

[ new page =@Strombone1]

1. @Strombone1

Roberto Loungo is the undisputed king of sports twitter. Nearly every tweet he does pokes fun at himself or other athletes.


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