'The Fault in Our Stars' kissing bench returned

It has been a week since the news broke over in Amsterdam that the popular kissing bench that was featured in John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars film was missing, but now the bench has been returned.

image courtesy of of Zelig Shaul/ACE/INFphoto.com

Amsterdam film commissioner Simon Brester confirmed to Entertainment Weekly this morning that it is indeed the same bench that was reinstalled and not a replacement. Had the original bench not been found, police were saying it might have taken them a month to find a replacement as long as there was one in stock.

The Amsterdam Film Office tweeted a photo this morning of the bench being re-installed in its original home. With the photo was the comment, “Het bankje uit the Fault in our stars is terug!!” which translates to, “The bench of the fault in our stars is back!”

Fans had been asking for the bench’s location since the films release causing police to consider that possibly an over-excited fan had gotten ahold of it. How the bench got back home is unknown but fans will now be thrilled they can cross one more spot off of their sight seeing list in the upcoming future.

image credit via Amsterdam FilmOffice