Game of Thrones has been shocking audiences across the globe for the past three years. From the imp with the high sex drive and clever remarks, to incest—the series has a formula for bringing people back every week.
Since the fourth season’s premiere on April 6 about 6 million people have been tuning in every week.
For those who read the book, you probably can guess what’s going to happen every week. But for the others who haven’t, you probably spend a good portion of your week replaying shocking moments in the show.
With just three episodes remaining in season 4, fans can expect many more “omg” moments.
The show itself has many characters that the author, George R.R. Martin, has no fear with killing off. If you don’t have enough room in your head to store all of the shocking moments, then fear no more. Here’s a list complied with the show's top shocking moments.
It’s not unheard of for men who take the black to break their oath, but Jon Snow was not exactly someone expected. The fiery red haired wildling who stole his heart also took something else from him in a steaming cave.
[new page = 10. Jon Snow and Ygritte]
George R.R. Martin has a reputation for killing off characters. Drogo was not immune. Although a fan favorite, his death led to the development of his wife, Daenerys.
[new page =9. Death of Drogo]
These guys are like the revamped, frozen version of zombies. Thought to be extinct by many, the walkers proved many wrong with their debut in season 1.
[new page = 8.Appearance of the White Walkers ]
When one normally gives birth, a dark face creature does not come out. Unless, of course you are a Red Priestess.
[new page =7. Melisandre’s shadow baby/Renley’s death]
To top off their relationship, were the four little blond children believed to be Robert Baratheon’s. Fans probably nodded their head in realizations when they realized that not one of Cersei Lannister’s children had a strand of black hair on their head.
[new page =6. Jamie and his sister’s relationship]
The writers definitely know how to end a season with a bang. Eddard’s death left viewers wondering where the show would go without one of the main characters. But, it also showed that the show can still go on without what seemed to be essential characters.
[new page =5. Eddard Stark’s death]
Littlefingers is a man who seems to take no one’s side. He betrayed Ned Starkk to side with the Lannisters, but eventually kills Joffrey.
Now his eyes are set on Sansa, who seems to have developed a crush on him.
[new page =4. Sansa and Littlefinger’s kiss]
As she was grieving her son’s death, her brother comes in with one thing on his mind. What makes the scene more intense was Joffrey’s dead body lying feet away.
[new page =3. Rape of Cersei Lannister ]
It seemed like the reign of the evil boy king would never end. Though Joffrey was a dark character, So who is to blame for his death? Here’s a hint: small fingers.
Even a few celebrities took to Twitter to share their reactions.
[new page =2. Joffrey’s death ]
Known in the books as the “Red Wedding”, this scene left even the mouth of those who read the book wide open. Fan reactions were so funny that Conan O' Brien watched the reaction of fans along with the book’s author, George R.R Martin, on his night show.
[new page =1.“The Rains of Castamere” ]
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