Robert Miller releases 'Twenty'

Robert Miller has released his latest record, Twenty, which features 16 of his favorite compositions. The album has been written and recorded over a 20-year period. This album combines the best of what jazz fans have come to love from the genre and also adds some modern elements that grabs the attention of new fans that might not be as familiar with the jazz genre.

This latest effort from Miller features his own work along with some recordings that had been featured with The Robert Miller Group.

This album truly represents a 20 year time span in the life of Robert Miller and features some of the greatest hits of his career from both a musical vision and creative thought process. It is fun for fans to be taken down this journey and hear how jazz has evolved and become a much more modern musical genre that is influencing top 20 hits today that can be heard on the radio.

These compositions have been taking from many different timelines but yet they feel like a cohesive musical piece when fans listen to the album from beginning to end.

This album not only represents Miller's personal musical journey but it shows the progress that jazz music has really been through over these past twenty years. It feels effortless as each track blends into the next one and makes audiences embrace a whole new musical genre.

This style of music is not for all audiences though as some of the songs feel like they last a couple minutes to long. Fans of jazz will appreciate the history and process that they are hearing but for fans of current pop music, this type of record would be a high priority for them to listen too, which works in the favor of Twenty because it appeals to fans of classical jazz music and doesn't try to be something its not.

Stand out tracks on the album include, "Cakewalk for Debra," "Cannonball" and "Catch You Later.'


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