Good Morning America's Josh Elliott wants a huge raise

Good Morning America anchor Josh Elliott wants a big raise increase in his salary. Elliott is currently in firm contract negotiations with ABC after increasing his demand for a salary raise that is qual to that of co-anchor Robin Roberts.

Page Six reports that after Roberts was able to secure a new contract worth $14 million, Elliott's agents have expressed their demand for Elliott's raise in salary to be as high as Roberts. A source told Page Six that Elliot doesn't want humongous increase, he just wants one that is similar to Roberts.

Additionally, Elliott's agents have been in contact with NBC News, but the goal is to Elliott resign a new contract with ABC. A network source said that, “It would be a blow to lose Josh, so everyone is focused on reaching a deal." Elliott joined ABC back in 2011, and after a year Good Morning America was able to break the Today 16-year winning streak of being number one in the ratings.

The Huffington Post reveals that it would be in the best interest that ABC do everything in their power to keep Elliott aboard, because Good Morning America, has already lost former weatherman Sam Champion, after he left the show to become a host and managing editor at the Weather Channel.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


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