In opposition to Russia’s new law banning “pro-gay” propaganda celebrities like Jonah Hill, took to the internet to support Russian gay citizens. Hill specifically spoke about his personal position on the matter stating "I have tons of gay friends, gay family members," reports E! Online the comedian continued, "It's like saying, why do you think people should breathe?”
Hill responded to the anti-gay law by posting a photo of himself sporting the Human Right’s Campaign’s t-shirt that reads “Love Conquers Hate” in Russian. Along with the photo, Hill also tweeted a supportive message "Help us show Russia & the world that #LoveConquersHate," he wrote. "Visit and @HRC to see how you can help."
The Huffington Post reports that the t-shirt worn by Hill is a part of a campaign in which celebrities post photos of themselves wearing the positive message on their social media platforms. All proceeds from the t-shirts will be put towards gay-rights in Russia.
Hill continued to explain his beliefs to E! at the Governor’s Awards by stating "I support anybody doing whatever they want to do to be who they are.”
Celebrities like Jonah Hill set forth a positive example for the rest of society. Organizations like the Human Right’s Campaign utilize the massive celebrity following on social media to encourage individuals to support the positive efforts to better society.
Image ABC
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