Stephanie Meyer blames 'The Host' failure on 'Twilight'

Stephanie Meyer, author of the wildly successful Twilight franchise, claims that her latest film The Host would never be a success because critics were too eager to smash the sci-fi film following the massive success Twilight saw.

"The sad thing is The Host got punished for Twilight," Meyer explained according to USA Today. "There was such a stigma from Twilight. And because I had done The Host, it got trashed in the reviews. We got kicked around for Twilight."

"The reviews are not reflective of the film itself," she adds.

USA Today notes that The Host scored a sad 35 out of 100 combined critic score. Meyer’s believes that The Host is being “picked on.”

"You could write whatever trash you wanted to write about Twilight, it could take it," says Meyer."So I kind of felt sad, I felt like the poor little Host was being picked on.”

The film, did not sit well with our writer, who gave the film 1 out of 5 stars.

Image: Amazon