With an impressive title as creative fiction author, CEO of her company, college professor, recording artist and reality TV personality, there isn’t much Big Rich Texas’ Bonnie Blossman can’t do. With several successful books published, an official party-hosting handbook underway and an addicting television show on the Style Network, this uber accomplished and charming Texan is hard not to love.
You wouldn’t think “PhD” at first glance with the blonde hair, full chest and nickname, “Botox Bonnie.” But think again. With 16 years of college level teaching experience from The University of Texas at Arlington, Dr. Bon currently teaches courses in Biology, Biochemistry, Parasitology, Gene Expression, Anatomy & Physiology and Contemporary Biology. Not to mention continuing with a two-year post doctoral fellowship in a developmental cardiovascular research program in a National Science Foundation funded laboratory.
On talk of her overload of balancing writing books, teaching students, hosting parties, being part of a hit reality TV series and more, not to mention being a busy mom of two, (Whitney, 24, and Zakk, 16), Blossman’s witty and hilarious demeanor came through when she enthusiastically explained why she loved to have a million different things going on at once.
“I think I have ADHD,” Blossman said. “I’m serious, I googled it!” She giggled. “I could have easily stayed with one career, but I think I’ve just harnessed my ADHD. I was never interested in school, and one career just wasn’t enough. I’m happy doing so much.”
Beginning her murder mysteries frenzy back in the late 90s, Blossman said she “found her home” with writing adult horrors, claiming it was a time when she was finding herself. Her target demographic is between the ages of 13 and 50, reaching audiences who enjoy the Harry Potter or Twilight series, but her books are more forensic science based.
“I started writing [scripts] for my friends and working out the kinks with them for what was working and not working with my stories,” Blossman said. “It’s different from your regular dinner party. It’s just an awesome way to hang out with your friends. You get to dress in costumes and find out who killed whom. We have actors, writing, the whole thing, and we hope to expand this into a television series. I want to do iPhone apps, make this a whole franchise.”
Blossman founded the internationally acclaimed company, “My Mystery Party” in 2006. “My Mystery Party” provides highly unique murder mystery party games for party hosts and guests, and is the number one choice for all party hosts including Ivy leaguers, professional athletes and Hollywood celebrities. Serving as the business’ webmaster, author, and marketing and advertising manager, Blossman drove the company to quickly grow as recognizable all over the world, turning Blossman into the world’s leading murder mystery game author.
As a spinoff from her murder mystery business, Blossman created PartyHost411, an event hosting guide which houses over 100 party games, party themes and suggestions, calling it her “lifelong creation of past parties.”
Discussing her role on reality series, “Big Rich Texas,” Blossman says that the experience has absolutely been a blast, with the exception of the cattiness from so many opinionated and stubborn southern belles.
“The drama gets a little consuming, and that part of it isn’t that fun,” Blossman said. “There are a lot of high strung personalities all put together, but I guess it makes for good TV!”
The reality show, which is now in its third season, is on Sundays at 7 PM central on the Style Network. Next week’s episode will feature Blossman’s most recent Murder Mystery series from her book collection, The Vampire Series.
“We’re a very loud, obnoxious family [on the show] and we know it. We love it though, we pick on each other and we have thee closest bond,” Blossman said. “We rag on each other out of love. It’s just a different form of relationship. I don’t think America would understand the dynamics, but it’s us.”
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