Interview with actress, writer and director Megyn Price

The hilarious, beautiful and incredibly talented Megyn Price is more than meets the eye. Known for her role as Audrey on Rules of Engagement, Megyn's resume extends far beyond acting. This wife, mother, writer, (with her hilarious blog, ScrambledMeg), and director, to name a few, took a moment out from her hectic life to talk motherhood, career and lifestyle with

TheCelebrityCafe: Watching Rules of Engagement, the characters seem to mesh so naturally- can you tell me what the dynamic is like on the set of show?

Megyn Price: We’re sort of like an adolescent family…I think in the beginning we all got along really very brother-sister kind of way, to the point where, it’s ridiculous, we have to realize that we’re supposed to be adults. But it’s incredibly fun.

TCC: In your biography, it reads, “In real life, Megyn is far more content than Audry.” Do you and your onscreen character share any similarities?

MP: We both wear very expensive shoes. She is much more assure of herself than I am I think, she has a much more volatile marriage. My marriage is a ridiculous fairy tale; it’s just very happy, very peaceful.

TCC: Sara Rue recently guest starred, what was it like working with her?

MP: Oh, what’s it like because now she’s one of my dearest friends?! She is such a great girl and we had never met each other before she showed up to do the show. She’s funny, she’s like a tough chick- she’s all these things, and she’s great. She works really hard, which I really appreciate, she’s really a pro.

TCC: You’ve worked on a handful of programs, I see that you are now branching out and working toward directing. Do you have any projects in the work?

MP: Yeah I’m working on our show, so when we get picked back up, hopefully. And then I’m in writing another project, it’s just a few people- so yes, I’m writing and working on making another show, so all this is going on.

There are lots of things I like to do. There are lots of different aspects of television that I love and I’ve been doing it for a really long time, so I love the acting of it, but I also love kind of creating and I think I’ve worked with some of the best directors in television and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve shadowed a lot of them, not as an actress but as director and I just get crazy excited on days that I get to shadow direct- it makes me so happy!

I feel the same way about writing. I just feel like when I am doing something creative and it’s something that I love, it makes me feel alive and just so happy.

TCC: You’re currently writing a vegetarian cookbook, is that correct?

MP: I am, yeah! It’s great because the more that I write and blog about it, the more I think, ‘Is this supposed to be a book?’ I don’t know what it’s supposed to be, but it’s fun and it really motivates me to write things down more. I just feel like I’ll get really creative and make something amazing and then you’ll never see it again because I don’t ever remember what I do. In my brain I’ll go, ‘Oh I did do that…let’s do that again!’ I made a great phantom soup once that I never saw again [laughs].

TCC: Have you been a vegetarian your entire life?

MP: On and off. My mom said I was when I was 5 or 6, I guess I refused to eat meat, so then she bought me all of these vegetarian cookbooks because I had a bunch of brothers and sisters and she was like, alright if you want to do it then you have to learn how to cook. So when I was like 8 I had to learn how to make whatever I was going to eat. At some point, I think high school or college, I started re-introducing fish and then when my daughter was born, she just refuses to eat meat, even from the womb. I’m pretty happy about it, so it’s like a national transition for our family.

TCC: Do you have an expected date when this will hit the shelves?

MP: I don’t, so I feel like I’m just letting this be what it’s going to be and when it’s done I’ll know.

TCC: I love your blog. You’re very down to earth, very real- very woman. You obviously live a very busy life between running triathlons, being a mom, an actress, a writer and now a soon-to-be director- what does your blog mean to you?

MP: It’s honest to God, some of its therapy, like when I wake up at there in the morning, I want to write. And it’s so nice to know that it goes somewhere. I mean, I can write in my journal, but there’s something, when it has a little more structure to it and you know that people are going to read it, it makes me think deeper and bigger. So rather than just spilling out my thoughts in a journal, it makes me kind of articulate and I’m proud of it!

TCC: The finale of Rules of Engagement aired on the May 17. While the show is off, what do you have planned for the summer?

MP: Yes, my daughter is turning 5 this year, and this is the first year I was able to work nights and not stop shooting. I did a guest appearance on Drop Dead Diva, and then I went and shot a movie for a little family thing which was sweet and fun. Then, my family and I are going to Europe for a couple of weeks, then I’m coming back and filming so yes, very very busy!


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