It is only week two on MTV’s Challenge: Battle of the Exes and alliances are forming, fights are erupting and power couples are being tested. This week, a full fledge battle between the men of teams Mandi and Wes and Vinny and Sarah erupted. Prior to the fight, the couples headed for a night out on the town which ended in one person breaking the rules, and another without her top on. Mandi took the time out to talk with TheCelebrityCafe and talk about the evening of mishaps, the deep seeded animosity between her partner and Vinny, and the strength that pushed her through the challenges.
TheCelebrityCafe:What was your reaction when you found out you had to be paired back up with Wes in “Battle of the Exes?”
Mandi: We were together before, so it was kind of nice because I knew it was coming unlike rivals where I didn’t know what to expect. I figured it was going to go one of two ways: we were going to be thrown in every single time until we got sent home or he was going to manipulate his way into some sort of crazy alliance and we were going to pull it out and make it to the end. I was kind of up in the air about the whole situation when I found out I was with him. Either way I knew it was going to be hard, so I just had to think which way it was going to go.
TCC: So tell me, what happened at the club?
Mandi: I literally was just dancing by myself, with myself, having a good time enjoying myself and all I remember is the camera on me, lights on me and a line of Dominican Republic guys and everyone’s mouths just dropped. I realized that my top had just been completely ripped off. Vinny literally came around and put his hands in front of me and ripped my boobs out of my shirt. They were tapped in and everything, the tape got ripped off of me and I actually didn’t even know it was him. I turned around and hit whatever or whoever was behind me and that’s when I was like, “What the hell?” And I ran into the bathroom. We actually hashed it out that night and he apologized, he was so drunk and doesn’t really even remember doing it. And actually, we were kind of over it after 10 minutes of yelling at each other. We’ve been friends for a long time, and we’ll remain friends.
TCC: It seems like there was some sort of animosity between Wes and Vinny, do you know where that stems from?
Mandi: Vinny says it stems from when Wes voted them into the Exile: Fresh Meat II, I think that Wes just purely does not like Vinny at all. He just thinks he’s a piece of shit.
TCC: Going into the dome where you had to fight for your life, everyone was on the sidelines thinking that Naomi was going to dominate this, but you actually took the competition by storm. Where did you get that strength from?
Mandi: I’ve always been a decently athletic person, I think fake boobs and blonde hair throws people off a little bit, they think I’m this weak little bimbo. Really, I’ve proved myself a lot and I don’t think America or fans ever grasp that because they don’t really want to. I don’t think they really want to look at me as a competitor or somebody that can compete, I think everyone just wants to keep that image of me, but I’ll just keep coming back and proving myself to them though!
TCC: Well America sits back and can see that you’re very calm and relaxed and then you have Naomi and, let’s face it, she’s a little fire cracker and I think that’s where that idea stems from…
Mandi: She has a mouth on her too, she has a little bit. I absolutely love Naomi to death, but, I was worried, I wasn’t 100% confident that I was going to win. Now going into it I know I tried my best and came out on top.
TCC: Do you think things would be different for you if when TJ flipped the coin it had landed on "tails?"
Mandi: Yeah we would definitely been there another week. We all said at first, “please, please, please let it be me” because LeRoy is way bigger than him, Wes put up a good fight but LeRoy is like twice his size! There was just no beating him.
TCC: What are the key components to winning this game?
Mandi: You have to have a good alliance; you need to have good friendships in the house. That’s why rookies usually go first, people don’t know them, and they don’t understand them or know what they are capable of.
TCC: Looking back, if you could tell your housemates anything now, what would you say?
Mandi: I don’t have any words of advice, but it was sad to not be able to see them anymore. I would tell them I miss them and don’t take the game so seriously!
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