Patrick Cross talks about his experiences as a Ghost Hunter, his haunted apartment, playing at Star Trek for Klingons and the entire Sci-Fi World.
DM) You're really a " Real Life Ghost Hunter"?
PC) Yes...I have been involved in parapsychology since I was in my teens. I have always been around ghosts... and I grew up with three of them in our house--sounds, voices, scratchings on the wall, footsteps, cold air chills, shadows and eerie music from an organ that was turned off and unplugged! I got involved with ghosts because I saw a lot of them, and strange things would appear. Never knew why, but could talk or relate to them. I studied ghosts, and what they are: from Larry Muntz, famous world paranormal researcher; I also worked with Barry Taft and Troy Taylor, who dedicate their lives to looking for and researching ghosts and phenomena. Since then, I have always been fascinated by science fiction. I starting writing and composing music for film and television. Now I create and compose special sound effects, multimedia and music for CD-ROM, games, TV commercials and my own originals. Play guitar, too!
DM) How would you classify the style of music you play and write?
PC) Well, the music is actually our own genre--called Sci-Fi rock! We are the first band to be credited for developing and labeling Sci-Fi Rock! It's a mixture of classic rock, fusion, jazz, classical and soundtrack music with a lot of special effects, such as lasers, bombs, sci-fi sounds, space sounds, explosions and... hey, it's just like watching a movie.It's like Bryan Adams meets "Star Trek" and "The X-Files." We have developed a huge sci-fi fan following, and we are still independent as a rock band! We have turned down three major recording contracts because the record companies want to own everything and give us nothing, like stealing the whole idea now that is developed but not market us for ourselves, but all for themselves!So we are D.I.Y. and shopping for an International Distribution deal. We do well!; we market ourselves on the Internet and in science fiction magazines. I am also a member of several ghost societies who do ongoing seminars to look for ghosts and hauntings and do ghost photography. We have a new CD out with our really haunted pictures of ghosts--put together by Dave Oester and Sharon Gill (famous paranormal researchers) called The Ghost Gallery!As a rock band, we really do perform concerts at haunted houses, where ghosts do appear, and we have radio remotes with the event, barbecues and promotional giveaways. It is fun but also serious.
DM) What started you in music?
PC) I have always been into good classic rock, and I've been influenced by bands like ELP, Genesis, Rush, Jeff Beck, to name a few, and I've been a sci-fi fanatic-fan of Star Trek, Alien, Predator, plus old movies, "The Land Before Time", "Forgotten Planet"-- cool stuff... so it just evolved naturally... mixing science fiction with great rock, and now I am into the X-Files...Chris Carter, the producer, knows of us and I have talked to him a couple of times...he is very keen on new and exciting projects with the cool music we have submitted to him!We missed getting onto the X-Files soundtrack because we didn't have a solid new list of songs that would fit the movie... but if there is a sequel, he would consider it.
DM) If ghosts are definitely real, why aren't they ever written about in mainstream media yet?
PC) Actually, there are more stories on ghosts and spooky things, as well as UFO's, in the real news than ever before! If you do a little research, you will find that ghost stories have been appearing in local news since 1901, and some small town or townsfolk can always tell us of a news clipping that has appeared.... also many UFO stories have appeared in the last two years on the 20/20 TV show, Sally Jesse Rapheal, Real TV and Unsolved Mysteries... the latter being more on crime and missing persons, though!The fact is, people are curious and are eager to know about a scary haunting or even a UFO. When it happens, who can they talk to?!But there are skeptics; in fact, though, there are more people who believe they have seen, heard, sensed and smelled something! At one time or another, I myself was a skeptic before I saw a ghost, or I didn't believe it until it actually happened! We, as a band, seriously look for ghosts and do investigative photography in cemeteries and the deep dark places!...and then bring our music to the masses! We have turned down million-dollar deals to sensationalize and make up stories to over-dramatize that all things happen and evil lurks everywhere... but I stick by my guns...and thus I keep everything real! All true--and no made up stuff! Everything that we see as a haunting or a ghostlike experience is based on true stories or other people's stories! Nothing is made to be so fantastic, like fire and explosions and crashes made to think it actually happens!Although I have seen a bed levitate and objects move, doors open by themselves, haunting footsteps, so I really don't have to make things up to have people like me or the music! People generally think that the unknown and what we do is very hip, and they have had their own story to tell!
DM) When did you see a ghost?!
PC) Hmm... Do you mean the first time or most recently? The first real image of a ghost I saw was in 1988, when there was an image and movement, and papers and objects were moving around the apartment...the image was half transparent and distinctly... of a man...later I found it was my wife's dead brother...we had just gotten married that day, and the image was moving wedding gifts and paper wrappers around the apartment! It was very clear, and you could feel a cold air all around you! The last time I saw a ghost was in my apartment just three days ago...Since my apartment is haunted, there was a distinct shadow of a man's outline on the wall, moving slowing away...! He is the ghost in my apartment who moves things, plays with the garbage can, phone cord and even spills coffee! Causes stuff to happen and loves to get attention! He also makes high-pitched well!
DM) I'd expect most people would move if they found out that their home was haunted! Why are you still there?
PC) Quite honestly, the ghost poses no threat to me or to my wife...we both have seen and heard it and even have pictures of it! I have always been around ghosts and the paranormal, so it doesn't bother me; and besides, I investigate ghosts and strange paranormal occurrences! Plus, I have tried to get rid of it before, but it never really worked! He went away once for about six months and then came back even more restless, throwing dishes, coffee cups and moving things around...! I think it may be a spirit I really don't piss it off anymore.... and just acknowledge it is there!! Believe me, I have been in worse areas where hauntings and evil ghosts do appear, and I sensed evil! There were even horrible smells, so this ghost hasn't done me wrong! People who investigate ghosts usually don't mind the paranormal incidents....and most researchers use these experiences to find out more about the existence of spirit life or life after death! Most people are still curious! If they get over their fear, they might be able to understand why a ghost is there or for what purpose it appears, why is it there.
DM) I can see the fun side, but not the serious side.
PC) Again, yes, the concept is entertainment! Rock and Roll for the '90's...If people like Kiss and Alice Cooper.... even Marilyn Manson, they can like us! We write and perform music on a positive note... of course, a lot of it is heavy, eerie music that has an X-Files edge...but the music is not meant to be chart songs or pop, like the Spice Girls. It is serious music, as I mentioned, and it's not easy to play! You have to have a good background in music and be a damn good musician to play this performing as an orchestra. We sometimes have to accompany the band in concert!The songs are all strong and all have gotten airplay....some on heavy rotation on college and mainstream radio! The music is just like any other band making airwaves...we just spice up the music with a visual show and make it theatrical, like a Las Vegas dinner show! We use special effects, such as dry ice, lasers, pyrotechnics, computer lighting, moving props and huge screen background it is entertaining and expensive! We have a Sci-Fi fashion show...lots of women in Sci-Fi costumes as hosts, serving drinks and promoting the band...we do X-Files trivia, and it's just like dropping in on a space port or the Star Trek 10 Forward lounge!Think of music in the 24th century...that is how we are gearing it as a theme...also we have a ton of Sci-Fi/Star Trek fans who relate to us as a band.... mixing rock music with science fiction! Visuals and costumes! The audience likes dressing up.... and being a part of the entertainment! With all the Sci-Fi and space movies on aliens now, everywhere you turn, it is not hard to think of a science fiction rock band--with real ghosts or something evil lurking in the shadows...coming for you!!
DM) Are you a new Star Trek or an old series fan?
PC) I grew up on old Star Trek with Kirk, Spock and Dr. McCoy.... and had a ton of merchandise on the show...yet.... I like the New Star Trek more.... 'cause it is more serious and a lot more technical...I am a Treckie from way back!...I love Star Trek conventions....So we as a band are usually there, in fine uniform as a music band representing a band from a planet or playing on the Enterprise. The new Deep Space Nine is good... and I love the Borg! They are evil, creative and hey, add a great sense of terrorism to the conservative Federation Planet... The Klingons are also cool... ruthless and typical rough "pigs" Many of our fans come dressed as Klingons and yes, we do have Klingon Beer-drinking parties!!So, yeah, very cool...if you are a Sci-Fi fan! You'll love our shows and music, if you like ghosts, hey, then, come on out to a real ghost haunting! As if I said, there is always something happening with Sci-Fi, and never expect the normal, just expect the unexpected!! Believe!
DM) A part of me has always felt slightly apprehensive about a person whose life aspiration was to speak Klingon! Does the scene ever make you nervous!?
PC) Yes and no... People who want to learn Klingon think it is a challenge, and believe me, it is actually becoming an international language! People like it because it is different, and if you are a die-hard Trekkie, then most of these people expect you to speak Klingon! It is an international greeting...and yes, you can easily adapt this fantasy lifestyle to your own, so some people really get caught up in living the Klingon life after work and on weekends... addictive! I try to keep it fun... but I don't judge people for doing it either! It can be a good learning experience! But, at drinking parties it can get out of hand; you have to be prepared for anything at a Star Trek party.
DM) But don't people get a bit too serious about it?
PC) Well, anything can be taken seriously! I mean, do we take Marilyn Manson seriously, or do we take Ozzy Osbourne, the original leader and cult starter of Black Sabbath seriously? It depends how serious is serious! If you are a true fan of something, yes, people will take it seriously! Like, we have really die-hard science fiction and X-Files fans that sometimes scare me because...they think we live this life as music rebels from a planet and we have dedicated followers... so it is a lifestyle that is serious to them. Again, it is up to the person; we just supply the entertainment! They (the fans) supply the imagination!!!
DM) Thanks!
PC) It was fun having this interview!
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