DM) Was music your first love or did you have other careers in mind?
PS) When I was a kid, I wanted to be a scientist, an astronaut, and a movie star. So now I am all three!!!
DM) All three?
PS) Yes, all three. Listen to my CD!
DM) But you haven't literally gone into space...right?
PS) Not yet, but it's my dream. I think they are planning space travel for civilians after the year 2000, but you have to be super-rich to be selected. Well, that won't be such a problem then for me...ha ha!
DM) When I read some of the reviews, it seems that your male fans are rather enamored by you. Have your fans' reactions ever surprised you?
PS) Honey, when you look this good.... But seriously, I've never felt surprised! I was a dork in high school, though, so it's cool to be vindicated!
DM) Have you run into any of your high school ex-es recently?
PS) No, I try to stay far away from all of them. I was tempted to go to my snotty high school reunion, but luckily I resisted the urge--when I received the hand-out that described what everyone is doing now, I fell asleep reading it. Boring!
DM) Do you consider yourself a confident woman?
PS) Uh...yeah!
DM) Some women that I've spoken with in the music industry have said it's hard to be respected as a female musician, because people focus on your being female rather on your musicianship. Would you agree?
PS) Yes and no. Basically, this industry is mostly run by men, and I think women have a harder time...I've had enough of the "Women in Rock" issues of magazines and all of that. There's no reason why we should have our own separate little genre; that's just ridiculous. Besides, what is the genre? I certainly don't fit into the whole "Lilith" thing (thank God), but I am a female musician. And there are enough other great females in music that don't have to fit into it, either. But I think some women use that complaint to their advantage... like crying, it's too hard blah blah blah... If you are tough enough and know what you want, you can go head to head with the menfolk. DM) When will the industry stop the separation of male/female?
PS) I think it's heading in that direction, fortunately. I think music in general will become less pigeon-hole-able (like that word?!?!) ...People will less and less need to put an identity on genres, such as "hip hop," "electronica" and so forth. That's what I try to do with Princess Superstar. Why should a musician be limited to only one form or one genre of music? And so, I think the same will hold true for the whole male/female categorization.
DM) Which genres of music did you grow up with?
PS) My parents were real classic rock freaks, so I heard a lot of Zeppelin, Stones, Hendrix stuff. Thankfully, they were also into lots of old soul, too, so we listened to Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind & Fire and War. I was so isolated where I grew up (a small town in Pennsylvania) that there was literally no culture. I remember that the first time I heard Run DMC's "Raising Hell," I freaked out, and from then on, I started listening to rap. No one else really was listening to that in my area, as amazing as it seems.DM) And what is your current "day job"?
PS) I run a web site for the Financial Women's Association of New York. Pretty rock star-ish, huh? I have this crazy double life.
DM) So you commute into work every day like the rest of NYC?
PS) Actually, I rollerblade to work. Takes me about seven minutes. By the way, I forgot to tell you the best part of my job: I can totally run my record label out of the office--use the computers and so on.
DM) Do you feel that you fit in better in New York City than in your hometown?
PS) I love New York so much; I could never live anywhere else, and ESPECIALLY not in my hometown. I have such incredible friends and people who are doing so many interesting things here...I just find it so stimulating as an artist here. I think there will be a song about NYC on the next record.
It was fun having this interview!
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