Jenny McShane Interview


DM) So what is going on in your career lately?

JM) Well, after recently finishing the movie, "The Watcher", I did a moviecalled, "The Outlaws"with Michael Madson, and Damon Whitacre (Forrest'sbrother), and William Forsythe and Jeff Fahey. Michael plays a hit man who wasformerly a cop, and the transition isn't a good world to gointo. My character's a con artist; it's actually a really cool role. Shehas sugar daddies and sugar mommas! (laughs) It's hard to explain; she'slike Lolita. Through the whole movie, I wear these heart-shaped rhinestonesunglasses that are out of control. And I have blue/pink hair down to mywaist, and I'm wearing rubber ducky barrettes. It was so much fun, though.

DM) And what are you doing next?

JM) I'm up for the next Cameron Crowe project, "Vanilla Sky", which I'mhoping for... and I've just been really busy lately. I saw QuentinTarrentino the other day.

DM) You saw Quentin?

JM) It was really funny. I was doing a photo shoot for a magazine,and I ran away from the set in my curlers. I was walking to getsomething to eat, and the location magazine person, a girlfriend of mine, was with me. When he came over, I was like, "Be really cool right now becauseQuentin Tarrentino is coming over to us." Well, she told him how I had justfinished "The Watcher" with Keanu Reeves, and this magazine is doing alayout on me. Then he turned to her and asked what she does, so I said,"She's the location manager." He instantly responded, "What does thatmean?" I said, "It's like when cats crawl into the photography studio,they're usually called the location manager. I said, "No, she's reallysuffocating a cockroach slowly." So Quentin came into the studio to checkout the dying cockroach. I know this isn't all that funny, but it's justanother day in the life of me.

DM) It sounds like he had ulterior motives in looking at this cockroach.

JM) Not really; you know Quentin, he's just really into the bizarre. He'sreally sweet. He goes, "Don't you just love Michael? I love Michael so much."

DM) That is bizarre, I'll give you that.

JM) It gets even more bizarre, though, because the following night we allhad to go to dinner with the publicist, and the same location manager whodates the photographer was invited to the dinner. And John Travolta was twotables down, so then she runs over to Travolta's table and said as loud as can be,"Is there any movie that you haven't danced in?" (laughing) Oh my God! Meand my publicist left immediately. He left the table as well; in fact, he left therestaurant.

DM) He was that upset?

JM) Yeah, he was that upset.

DM) And why did she do this?

JM) I don't know. That photography world is a whole other world.

DM) Where do you find your friends? (laughing)

JM) (laughing) It's not my friend. It's somebody I just worked with. Iknow, isn't that crazy, so I'm staying home for the next couple of nights.

DM) Do you normally hang out with that normal crowd?

JM) The location manager's definitely not normal. I hang out with avariety of people. I play the piano, guitar and sing, and I'm working witha rock band a little bit on the side right now. One of the lead singers isfrom the movie "Virgin Suicides."

DM) What's his name?

JM) His name is John, but I don't know his last name. I just startedworking with him.

DM) You don't know his last name?

JM) I know, isn't that terrible? I'm just not star-struck. He asked me if Iknew his movie, and I was just like, "I'm here to play guitar and sing." Itcould turn into something, as they were just signed to Warner Brothers. They want me to come on board and play guitar and sing. There is no nameyet, but I told them that if I'm going to be the keyboard player and the singer,I'm going to need to have a part of the name. I want to name it "TheBikini Barbarellas."

DM) What?!?!? (laughing)

JM) (laughs) That's exactly what they said. What's wrong with that name?I thought it was cool. You've got to think of something cool to getpeople's attention.

DM) I'm sure they might be a little worried that you'll pull the focus awayfrom them.

JM) They are.

DM) But why would you?

JM) Exactly; that's why I was like, "Why do you think I'm here?"

DM) Now that must be pretty scary, but he wants a blond on the keyboard,that's it. I mean, Bikini Barbarella! That's just wrong! (laughing)

JM) (laughs) No, it's not wrong. It's showing these guys that they're notgoing to take advantage of me coming in and making them look good. I haveto get some attention here.

DM) Are they good musicians, though?

JM) They are amazing, I'm serious.

DM) Is this something that you're avidly pursuing?

JM) Not avidly, but if it happens, it happens. My three youngest sistersare in Nashville right now recording a country album.

DM) What's their name?

JM) You don't know them yet, but you will. They're 18, 19 and 20, andthey're down there working with the brother-in-law of the DixieChicks. This guy is the lead guitarist on all of the Dixie Chicks andShania Twain's albums. He's considered the best session guitar player inNashville.

DM) And you said I don't know them yet but that I will. Are you thatconfident of their success?

JM) Yes, they're amazing. They have amazing voices, all three of them.

DM) So if your sisters are going to find their fame with the music, wherewill you find your complete and utter fame and fortune?

JM) Hmmm, it's not fame and fortune, but I'm happy doing the acting. I'mreally content. The thing about music is--I don't know if you know anythingabout the road, but I don't care to be in a bus and driving around the UnitedStates every day. I'd rather be in a hotel and fly around first class, domy movies and run. That's the big difference, I know what the road is. Idid a movie with the singer Taylor Dayne, and she asked me to go on theroad, but I don't like this very much. It's really tough; you gofrom gig to gig; it's a tough life. The other thing about being amusician on the road is that it's really hard on relationships, too.

DM) Are you in a relationship now, then?

JM) No, I'm single right now, until somebody can meet my match.

DM) And what is the match?

JM) I obviously want to eventually settle down, but I want the person to bean equal. I've seen a lot of actresses date people, and they get put in thebackground because of the relationship. Does that make any sense? I'm avery free person and I think it will happen when it's supposed to happen.I've met a lot of people that I thought of dating, but it's just nothappened yet. There's somebody, though...but I'm not seeing him yet; but Iprobably will eventually. I can't say the name, but I might soon.


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