Joy Krause Interview


DM) When did you first decide to write a book?

JK) About two years ago, when I sold the business. Over the years I'd written down bits of inspiration/observations about my customers on anything that was handy - toilet paper, paper towels, etc., as I was cleaning their home. Then I put them in a shoebox at home. One day I took the shoebox down and those notes became Spring Cleaning for the Soul.

DM) Do you miss running the cleaning business?

JK) I miss my clients and co-workers. I had developed close relationships and many of us had become a giant extended family.

DM) A lot of people never would expect a cleaning woman to have such a take on life. What's your response to those critics?

JK) I think most of us draw conclusions about others based on stereotypes. They're usually incorrect, as we find out if we allow ourselves an opportunity to get to know someone. At one time, I thought all rich people were spoiled brats without a care in the world, until I began to spend time in their homes and get to know them. I found that they had the same concerns I did - health, children, money, safety, and love. They had the same insecurities, same fears. It was a powerful lesson.

DM) You mention your children throughout the book, and it's clear that they're very important to you. What do they say about their mom's new-found fame?

JK) I'll quote you my daughter's exact words from a recent magazine interview: "My mom was an inspiration to me," said Joy's 28-year-old daughter Kimberly. "She taught me to keep going and going even when you're down." My son Mark tells me I'm one of his role models.

My children are my greatest blessings. For many years, we were very poor and I took them with me when I cleaned. My motto was, "Have playpen, will travel."

DM) To some people, your book is a motivational factor which inspires them. You didn't have it easy in the beginning. What motivated you to keep going at the rough times?
JK) In the book I say, "I made it this far with one hand holding a mop and the other tucked gentle into the hand of God." There were many times when I wanted to give up, when I was ashamed, when I was exhausted; but it always seemed that just at those moments, something would happen in my life that would snap me out of it. One situation was when I cleaned that home where the mom and her two small children were murdered. Just when I was pretty sick of single parenting, I walked into that house.

DM) You have worked as a house cleaner, a businesswoman with your own company, and have written a book and lectured... What's next in your career?

JK) How about Internet celebrity interviewer? (Just kidding.) It's all very exciting, Dominick, and all very new to me. Who would have thought at 52 I'd be answering questions about my life as a cleaning lady?

Actually, I am excited about a campaign I started six months ago called Sparkle America, where I travel the country cleaning homeless shelters for families. The purpose is to promote awareness of the escalating problem of single moms and their children in these shelters.

DM) How did you get involved in the homeless shelters?

JK) Just by accident. A friend in Seattle was very active in helping a small local shelter, and she invited me for lunch while I was there on tour. I had a chance to play with the children and I fell in love with them. Until that visit, I had no idea there were homeless children shelters in America. I made a commitment that day that I would clean a shelter in each city I visited and bring some fun and hugs to the kids. I've cleaned 18 so far and want to clean 50 by the year 2000.

DM) Do you plan on writing a second book?

JK) Two new books will be out in July - Spring Cleaning 101: Hilarious and Off-The-Wall Cleaning Tips and Household Hints, and Spring Cleaning: Journaling for the Soul. This is a workbook with exercises and checklists that will help readers to work through the life lessons mentioned in Spring Cleaning for the Soul.

DM) What have the readers' reactions been to the book?

JK) The only one out so far is Spring Cleaning for the Soul. I get letters from readers every day telling me about their own life struggles and successes. People relate to the stories in the book, and I feel very fortunate that they share their experiences with me.

DM) What books are you reading yourself?

JK) I keep two books on my night table at all times: The Little Engine That Could and The Bible.

DM) Well, I thank you very much for taking the time out to talk... I will definitely keep my eye out for your next two books.

JK) It's been a pleasure and I thank you a bunch for your interest. Keep sparkling!


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