Jessica Andrews Interview


DM) What has been going on in your career lately?
JA) My first album came out in 1999, this one came out in February 2001... gosh, it's almost been a year... and yes, I had a song on the "Prince of Egypt" soundtrack. Yes, it's been an exciting two years for me. I've had lots of experiences. A lot of great things and great people.

DM) I've heard a lot of stories about you and fears of losing your childhood starting this at 15 years old and earlier. Do you agree with that perspective at all?

JA) Oh goodness no. You're right, I started my first album at 15 years old. I can see if I was working on a set where it would be grueling and you could not have time outside the theater or whatever. Even when I was 15 I was a bit more mature, I think girls mature faster then guys at that age. I was already into going to movies and stuff. I felt like I already had my childhood. I just felt like I was growing up more. I don't think I was robbed of anything and I do what I love to do. That alone makes me happy, and lots of people don't understand that. When you have a love for something and that's what you want to do, you don't understand that's what you want to do all the time. For me, that's my life, that's what I want to do.

DM) Do you spend all of your time on music or do you have a life outside of music?

JA) Oh yeah, I love music, but I also have my own personal life with friends and family and I do stuff with them all of the time. I'm a very social person though anyway. I like to be around people but yet I love to be home too, by myself. (Laughs)

DM) What do you do when you have that time alone?

JA) I just relax and watch TV and drink hot tea and take a bath... just relax and take it easy, take advantage of the time I have by myself.

DM) You're job in music isn't an easy balance like a 9-5 job with a regular schedule. One month you could be touring and the next month you could be in the studio. Do you find it hard to balance that?

JA) No, I don't because it's like with anything else, you learn to make it work. If you were in school and had exams, if you played sports, you find a way to make that work out. You have to work hard and stay focused. I do the same thing. I'm in my last year of school and I just have to face that as well as my career. It's stuff that I love to do so much. There are times that I'm tired and stuff but who isn't when you have a busy schedule.

DM) What is your school schedule at this point?

JA) I don't go to school, I'm home schooled and I'm on my own schedule. I can graduate a couple of months early or a couple of months later. They're very flexible with what I do which is fantastic because sometimes I can't always work every single day.

DM) Does that ever get difficult to manage?
JA) It is flexible, but you do know that assignments have to be turned in on deadline. It's not that flexible.
DM) Do you find that you miss the experiences that your friends have of going to the prom or things like that?JA) I don't think about that, I really don't. I'm on such a different planet it feels like sometimes. I'm getting ready to move out on my own, and start my own life. There are so many exciting things happening in my career. At one point, I did but that's something very exciting for people my age in school, but I don't happen to think about it.

DM) Do you ever miss any of those social experiences?
JA) No, not really, in my school we never had those activities. The prom was about it. I've been out of that school and out of that town for a while now here in Nashville. I guess I'm just on a different wavelength focused on things here, my career and other things.

DM) And how is that experience of moving out now going?

JA) It is a natural progression for me. My parents are moving away from Nashville actually and I decided I'm going to stay in Nashville. I love Nashville. You've got to do it sometime and it seemed like the right time. I'm still looking for a place and there's only a month to go, but I'll find something.

DM) And you have a new single that came out?

JA) Yes, I'm getting ready for my third single, a song called "Karma", and I'm writing a bit for my third time which probably won't be out for about a year or so. Lots of things right now, I'm not touring though, just taking time off for the holidays.

DM) How far through are you on this album?
JA) Well, we just have done a couple of things. We're a long way away, we're just getting a couple of songs here and there... writing songs, basically just looking and writing. Songs are the most important thing for me so we're just looking for it now.

DM) Do you want to do more songwriting on this next album?JA) Yes, I only have one on this album but that's something that I want to get better at. Maybe I'll have a few on this next album. It's not a 100% sure but hopefully one day I might have a complete album of my songs. It's definitely one of my key goals for the future, to get better at my skills and hopefully have an album of all of my songs one day.


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