Acoustic Junction Interview


Acoustic Junction started as simply an acoustic jam of friends and has turned from an indie, grass roots phenomenon to an internationally selling artist. On their latest album they have songs co-written with Nicholas Cage, and they sing with Graham Nash of CSNY fame.

DM) What was the foundation of the band?

RF) It started out as a two-piece and grew to as many as six and has been a four piece for about six years now.

DM) Why did you switch the name of the band to Fool's Progress and then back again?

RF) Good question; we're still trying to figure that out. We got talked into changing our name because the record company at the time thought it would be hard to market us under the "acoustic" label. We changed back because this is who we are, like it or leave it. We've worked really hard for ten years to establish that name and we weren't just going to throw that away.

DM) Your touring schedule is pretty intense. Is touring something you love or just a necessary evil?

RF) I love to hate it. At times it's wonderful and other times exhausting. But it's what has gotten us this far. I'm just glad we're still alive.

DM) Do you sometimes prefer your indie released albums over the commercial ones?

RF) Not sure what you mean by that because we've always produced them ourselves. I prefer being able to make our own music the way we want to. As far as labels go, I'm very content to be with a small independent. More attention and less bureaucracy. DM) Some have suggested that due to the line-up changes of the band over time, it should just be "Reed and Acoustic Junction". Have you ever thought of going that route?

RF) I've contemplated it but I will do that as a separate entity apart from Acoustic Junction. Right now I have a side project with my brother called "88", so my plate is full. But I do want to record one of my own some day. DM) What do you do when you're not touring?

RF) I do interviews on the Internet. And I have found a passion for Bikram's yoga and take care of my son, not yet three years old, which is a full-time job in itself.

DM) Some of your fans have gotten into trading dats and MP3's of your shows. How do you feel about the bootlegging of shows? RF) I'm all for it. We're a grass roots band and this helps spread the word and gives people a chance to hear what we're all about. DM) How did the band start?

RF) As a two-piece on the East Coast, we moved to boulder and started playing wherever and whenever we could.

DM) The band has come a long way in 10 years, where do you see it going over the next 10 years?

RF) I just want to reach some more folks with our music and be able to continue to make records for a long time, I hope. I love the creative process of writing songs and then seeing them through to tape. I'd love to be able to afford a serious production on the road, but until then, it is what it is. DM) What songs do you love to cover in your live shows?

RF) We do a couple of Van Morrison songs: "St. Dominic's Preview" and "Sweet Thing". Other artists we cover are John Prine, Waterboys, David Gray, Greg Brown, Pink Floyd,etc...


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